Michael A. DeVine of the San Francisco Examiner speculates on the Palin-sux phenomenon.Hence, its relentless attacks against her, Cheney, Rush and Newt
The Governor of Alaska is an unapologetic, unabashed Reagan conservative who echos the truth to power messages rarely heard from other elected conservatives too afraid of Obama and the Drive-by political correctness media police. Democrats have won the past two election cycles and now hold large majorities in both houses of Congress.
Yet, despite the triumph of liberalism, the Left doesn't use its precious media time to attack potential threats to its power from moderate Republicans that the Drive-bys' conventional wisdom deems more "electable" in the Age of Obama.
Rather, they regularly, relentlessly, and viciously attack the Sarah Palin, the Vice-Presidential loser that failed the Katie Couric test and returned to viewing Russia from her backyard.
Why does the Left perceive as the number one threat to retaining their power, a Republican loathed by a large and vocal minority of the GOP?
Why? Maybe because the Left has never lost its power to that particular minority of the GOP represented by Colin Powell and much of the beltway, country club blue blood Rockefeller elites.
When they lose, they lose to Republicans like Sarah Palin, and many recall their most anxious moments during the 2008 general election campaign were those weeks after Palin's nomination was announced when McCain actually lead for the first time, before he blew the race by embracing the bank bailout.
Recent polls show that a majority of Americans are now pro-life, that conservatives now out-number moderates, and that women are much more likely to vote Democrats.
Palin is a walking, talking repudiation of the entire feminist myth of the Left that declares liberalism as the only enlightened view. And her decision to bring to term a baby in her womb confirmed as having Downs Syndrome grossly exposes the barbarity of the Leftists' religious sacrament of abortion. DC wasn't down with her, baby? More...
Hat Tip to Angie Jordan