Ever wondered why all those gays stopped coming out of the closet? There weren't that many of them to begin with. Their agenda to legitimatize perversion was the same tactic practiced by the
I remember those days very well. In 1972 I was just out of college and the debate had been raging for some time. The number quoted by feminist murders was 10,000. That's right. Over 10,000 women a year died from coat hangers. When I finally looked it up in the CDC statistics, it was actually around 25. Not 25,000 mind you, just under 25 ....
In 1972 (the year before abortion was federally legalized), a total of 24 women died from causes known to be associated with legal abortions, and 39 died as a result of known illegal abortions (CDC).The leftists have not changed their tactics.They are lying again. We don't have uncounted millions of gay fellows longing to breathe free while biting the pillow. They do not comprise 25% or even 10% of the US population.
One in ten. It's the name of the group that puts on the Reel Affirmations gay and lesbian film festival in Washington, D.C., each year. It's the percent popularized by the Kinsey Report as the size of the gay male population. And it's among the most common figures pointed to in popular culture as an estimate of how many people are gay or lesbian.So, how many are there? No one knows for sure. Estimates range from 4 to 9 million in the US. That is about 1.3% to maybe 6% of the population.
But what percentage of the population is actually gay or lesbian? With the debate over same-sex marriage again an emerging fault line in American political life, the answer comes as a surprise: A lower number than you might think -- and a much, much, much lower one than most Americans believe.
In surveys conducted in 2002 and 2011, pollsters at Gallup found that members of the American public massively overestimated how many people are gay or lesbian. In 2002, a quarter of those surveyed guessed upwards of a quarter of Americans were gay or lesbian (or "homosexual," the third option given). By 2011, that misperception had only grown, with more than a third of those surveyed now guessing that more than 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian. Women and young adults were most likely to provide high estimates, approximating that 30 percent of the population is gay. Overall, "U.S. adults, on average, estimate that 25 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian," Gallup found. Only 4 percent of all those surveyed in 2011 and about 8 percent of those surveyed in 2002 correctly guessed that fewer than 5 percent of Americans identify as gay or lesbian.