
August 29, 2014

Muslim Games

Islam is so depraved, it corrupts everything it touches. Here's a new game that Muslim children are playing.

Seriously, how do you negotiate with people that teach their children this?

H/t Gateway Pundit.

August 27, 2014

Swatting Hamas Flies

Remember one of the early Mickey Mouse cartoons  (1938 - Brave Little Tailor) where he brags about killing seven flies in one blow?

Israel's Iron Dome does much better.

Remodeling Gaza - Israel's Extreme Makeover

From the Jerusalem Post:
Moderate forces in Middle East bring new diplomatic opportunities for Israel, says prime minister; Ya'alon states: "Gaza does not look like it did 51 days ago."

Amid rapidly declining approval ratings, deep frustration among residents of the South, and harsh criticism from senior cabinet ministers, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the nation on Wednesday the Gaza operation was a military and diplomatic success.

Netanyahu, speaking at a Jerusalem press conference alongside Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, said that “Hamas was hit hard, and did not get any of the things it demanded for a cease-fire.”

A sedate, low-key Netanyahu said that from the first minute of the operation he set out clear goals: To hit Hamas and the other terrorist organizations hard, and through this to bring about a prolonged quiet for Israeli citizens.

“I can say that Hamas was indeed hit hard,” the prime minister said of the first goal.

As for the second, he was more circumspect.

“Will we get long term calm?” he asked. “I think it is too early to tell. But I can say that the blows to Hamas, and our ability to keep them from rearming by supervising the borders, increase the chances that this will be achieved.”

If there isn’t quiet and Hamas again starts a “drizzle” of rocket fire on any part of the country, he warned, “we will respond harder than we have until now. We are prepared for all possibilities.”

Missing In Action

Maybe if they had to buy them they'd take better care.
[...]Fusion has learned that 184 state and local police departments have been suspended from the Pentagon's "1033 program" for missing weapons or failure to comply with other guidelines. We uncovered a pattern of missing M14 and M16 assault rifles across the country, as well as instances of missing .45-caliber pistols, shotguns and 2 cases of missing Humvee vehicles.

"[The program] is obviously very sloppy, and it's another reason that Congress needs to revisit this promptly," said Tim Lynch, director of the CATO Institute's project on criminal justice. "We don't know where these weapons are going, whether they are really lost, or whether there is corruption involved.

More troubling yet is the possibility that some of the missing weapons, which were given to local police departments as part of a decades' old government program to equip cops for the wars on terrorism and drugs, are actually being sold on the black market, Lynch said.
In six Mississippi police departments there are a dozen M14 rifles missing. And these are just the ones they know about.
Jackson Police Department: Missing M14
Meridian Police Department: Four missing M14s
Calhoun County Police Department: Missing M14
Vaiden Police Department: A .45 cal pistol was sold at a gun exchange
Philadephia Police Department: Two missing M-14s
Columbus Police Department: Three missing M-14s
Mississippi Department of Public Safety: Missing M14
Source: Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration

Story here and here.

August 26, 2014

Nothing To Be Proud Of

From Big10Tens comes a list of the biggest party/drunk schools in the US.
15 Colleges With The Biggest Late Night Eaters (Or, Drunks)

Campuses with the highest percentage of orders placed between 10pm – 2am, locally. Or, campuses with the most drunk people between 10 and 2.

1. Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
4. Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY
6. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
8. Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY
9. Oswego State University, Oswego, NY
10. University at Albany, Albany, NY
12. Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY

Just about half of the list, 7 out of 15, consist of colleges in upstate New York.


Oh ... Piss Off

Judicial Watch reports on the latest ballsy Muslim claim:
Islamic activists that strong-armed the FBI to purge anti-terrorism training material considered “offensive” to Muslims have made their next wave of demands, which include an overhaul in the way all law enforcement officers are trained in the United States.

The coalition of influential and politically-connected Muslim rights groups is demanding that the Obama administration implement a mandatory retraining program for all federal, state and local law enforcement officials who may have been subjected to materials they deem “biased and discriminatory” against Muslims. There must also be an audit of all federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering training and educational materials to identify and remove information that could exhibit bias against any race, ethnicity, religion or national origin, the groups demand.
I'm speechless.

August 25, 2014

The Shape Of Things To Come

This really makes you go "hmmmmm."
Not for yourself probably; depending on your age, not right away.
I'll never see this as a problem. But my kids probably will. My grandkids ... most definitely.

Lois Lerner's Files Have Always Been There

From the National Review:
A Justice Department official admitted that former IRS official Lois Lerner’s apparently missing e-mails actually exist on a backup server, but the government doesn’t plan to retrieve them.

“A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there’s a catastrophe, so the government can continue operating,” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton told Fox News’s Shannon Bream.

“But it would be too hard to go get Lois Lerner’s e-mails from that backup system,” Fitton continued, paraphrasing the DOJ official. “So, everything we’ve been hearing about scratched hard drives, about missing e-mails of Lois Lerner, other IRS officials, other officials in the Obama administration, it’s all been a pack of malarkey. They could get these records, but they don’t want to.”

Fitton said his group plans to ask a federal judge to order the IRS to hand over the e-mails, which conservative opponents of Lerner want to see in order to determine if there is a link between President Obama’s team and the IRS’s targeting of tea-party groups.

“If this backup system is working, Lois Lerner’s e-mails are there,” Fitton said.
Oft times I have to request backups/data recoveries for a system that services over 4,000 users. Almost all large scale backup systems are automated. It should not take very long to retrieve those files.

The IRS has been lying out it's ass.

Emails saved on the backup server are what put Ollie North in hot water. Emails never really go away.

August 24, 2014

Hamas Rubble Challenge

The Palis have bastardized the ALS ice bucket challenge with their own fatalistic flavor.

It works this way: unless you pledge to kill a Jew, you must pour a bucket of Gaza rubble over your head and then be stoned to death.

Story here.

Donations For Ofc. Wilson

Online fundraisers for Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson surpassed the amount of money raised for Michael Brown's family as the officer's supporters gathered at an afternoon rally Saturday.

[...]A crowd-funding page created for Wilson raised $235,010 from 5,902 people before organizers stopped accepting donations Friday after surpassing their goal of $100,000 in four days. The group then opened a new fundraising page, which already has more than $104,000.

Online fundraisers for Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson surpassed the amount of money raised for Michael Brown's family as the officer's supporters gathered at an afternoon rally Saturday.
Contributions for the Brown Family are mostly in-kind donations consisting of sneakers, designer handbags, 46" LCD televisions, bags of Doritos and shopping carts.

Story here.