There is a great deal of concern that the number of voters particiating in yesterday's election has decreased significantly over 2008 and 2004 levels. Either the electorate was real turned off or there has been a level of voter fraud on a national scale that defies description. Which brings me to the next point:
If you are going to lie, lie big.
If you are going to steal, steal big.
If you are going to cheat, cheat big.
Everyone will believe that there is some voter fraud. But how many people will believe that the entire election process was cooked, that the outcome was never in doubt, that the fix was always in? No sense messing with just a few cities, go for broke, no one will believe it.
IMHO, with the new electronic voting machines such fraud is not only possible on a national scale but easier than ever. Forget about the feds looking in to this. As far as I'm concerned, the Republicans are just as crooked as the Democrats.
Now is the time to put pressure on the AG's from the red states to investigate. I'd say impound the machines but some scripts can be written to delete themselves after execution. This whole thing simply reeks of corruption.