Isn't it amazing that the media has completely ignored anything and everything that might disparage the reputation/legend of Obama? Charley the ChiTown cop sent me this.
I think it is remarkable that, within a week of Tiger Woods crashing his Escalade, the press found every woman with whom Tiger has had an affair in the last few years, with photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc. and, they not only know the cause of the family fight, but they even know it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the Escalade. They know which wedge! Not only that, each and every day, they've been able to give America more updates on his sex-rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, and the dates and tournaments he will play in.
Obama has been in office for two years now, and this same press: still cannot find any of his childhood friends or neighbors, or locate any of Obama’s college papers, or grades or how he paid for a Harvard education, or which country issued his visa to travel to Pakistan in the 1980's, or Barry Soetoro, or even Michelle Obama’s Princeton thesis on racism. They just can't seem to find them!!!
Oh, okay. They did find one. His golfing buddy that just got jacked up for messing with a hooker. But what about his past? There are so many questions that beg to be explored and the media refuses to participate. I guess only conservatives and Republicans are entitled to a media anal exam. Well, there are people who are delving into the President's past, and they are hitting veins of gold. From the
Canada Free Press:
The unraveling of Barry Soetoro, a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II
To those who are now speaking out about the Obama eligibility matter, I can think of no better statement than the one uttered by a very frustrated Officer John McClane, played by Bruce Willis in the movie “Die Hard.” In order to get the attention of a police officer oblivious to the carnage taking place inside of the Nakatomi Plaza building after making a very cursory inspection and finding nothing amiss, McClane tosses the body of a terrorist from an office window window onto the windshield of the police cruiser and fires at the police car, yelling “Welcome to the party, pal.”
Indeed. It's like visiting your crazy Aunt Nancy two months after her husband died and finding his carcass still parked in the parlor. The stink and the flies would drive ordinary humans out of their minds, but the dems keep on smiling, pouring tea and asking you if Medicare covered your mother's trips to the specialist for that nasty rash.
If it were only Uncle Frank in the parlor this might be funny. But like "Arsenic and Old Lace," there are other bodies, long dead, buried in the basement.
Doug Hagmann & Joseph Hagmann run the
Northeast Intelligence Network, a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. They have been using their investigative expertise to develop a dossier on Obama, a dossier that has some compelling, and disturbing, revelations.
The first
report examines Obama's eligibility to be a candidate. The second
report reveals the Democrat's deliberate campaign to obfuscate the difficulties surrounding Obama's perceived ineligibility to be a candidate for President of the United States. In view of the questions regarding his "natural-born" status, just how did Obama get the certification needed to prove his eligibility for the Office of the President? Simple:
An investigation into this issue found that only the chairperson of each party (the party’s national convention that nominates the candidate) has to sign an “Official Certification of Nomination,” which is the recognized legal instrument that affirms that the party’s candidate meets all of the eligibility requirements to hold the office of President. In the case of Barack Hussein OBAMA II, that responsibility fell with Ms. Nancy PELOSI. It is a surprisingly simple process that is completed following the official nomination of the candidate for office, and is usually filed immediately after the close of the party’s convention.
In the case of Barack Hussein OBAMA, PELOSI signed the affirmation of eligibility in her capacity as Chair of the Democratic National Convention along with Alice GERMOND, the Secretary of the Democratic National Convention. Her signature, affixed and notarized to this legal instrument, was viewed as “sufficient documentation” by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) “that both OBAMA and BIDEN were duly nominated and met the Constitutional eligibility requirements,” according to an official interviewed by this investigator at the FEC in Washington, DC. According to this FEC official, “no further verification was required or performed at any level [within the FEC].”
Beautiful. Make that two gibbets on the gallows please. Let's see just how far Pelosi's face and neck can really stretch. Returning to the Northeast Intelligence Networks:
... we should address two rather curious statements made by Mr. Trump during one recent interview. When talking about his investigators in Hawaii who are looking into Obama’s birth certificate issue, he stated that “you wouldn’t believe what they’re finding.” Mr. Trump also stated that in his experience on Wall Street, he is familiar with frauds of all types, and has seen some very sophisticated frauds over the years. Well, we do have a very good idea of what is being found or verified as having been scrubbed from the records.
In our investigation, we found that the scrubbing and altering of records pertaining to Obama began well before he became an Illinois state senator in the 1996 election cycle. The “scrubbing” or alteration of records did not begin or end with Obama, but also extended to his mother and other associates as well. In fact, a very large and extremely relevant part of the investigation of Barry SOETORO, or Barack Hussein Obama II as he is known, revolves around his parents, step father, and grandparents. and extends from the U.S. mainland to Hawaii and other points across the globe.
The stove is getting hotter but is Obama getting cooked? From his reckless disregard for what he says to the press, incessant vacations and uncontrolled spending, I think that he knows his chances for re-election are slim and that he will do as much damage as he can before he is thrown out.