Obama kisses off Eastern Europe...
With yeterday's announcement that Obama has formally ditched plans to set up a missile defence shield in Poland and the Czech Republic, I am referring you to this post of August 31st.Obama kisses off Eastern Europe...
Obama is no good with foreign policy except to insult our friends and make us a laughing stock of our enemies.
Opie, "no good" is an understatement. This guy is dangerous, and not innocently so.
He's not naive or unskilled. He's building (and tearing down) exactly what he wants.
...but I can sense that the rise of the oceans is slowing and our planet is beginning to heal. Can't you feel it?
Klik, I don't know whether it's actually happening or whether it's just wishful thinking.
Iv just come across someone who like yourselves, thinks that OBugger truly is beyond belief. However...
Nickie, I agree. If he were naive and unskilled, he would get things right once in a while.
It is the anniversary of our Constitution (Sept 17th) and Obama does this to us and our allies! Someday we will regret and morn this terrible action.
America doesn't belong in Poland.
Obama said he wants to focus his attention on Iran, not Russia, as a world threat. Robert Gates, who supported the privious placement of these defense systems believe a focus on Iran is more important. You can't definitively state that this was a bad move. You can't argue this is dangerous regardless of what you think.
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