
December 1, 2009


Opus #6 said...

But it is not important. Fraud and collusion are all a means to an end.

banned said...

Greetings from District 4 of the Euro Regions of the country formerly known as 'England'.
Scotland remains whole but is now designated District 9.

LL said...

I think the thermometer should be up at the felony level - but then again, that's me. Conspiracy to defraud the American people and the world at large for the sake of some tree hugger's wet dream should be punished by a firing squad because -- hanging's too good for 'em.

Anonymous said...

Opie, I hope the day comes when our citizens see the truth as clearly as you do.

Anonymous said...

Banned...Greetings to our proud warriors of Oceania.

Anonymous said...

LL, I believe that hanging and composting would be appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was an interesting article

This is coming from someone who is convinced warming is occurring but is unsure as to the contribution man-made greenhouse gases are actually making - ie I have no particular axe to grind here.

But ... I think the sceptics have been far too quick to celebrate and jump back in their gas guzzlers like there's no tomorrow. The price we pay for not acting and the sceptics turning out to be wrong is far greater than the alternative scenario of doing something now about CO2 emissions, IMO.

The research is ongoing, and many (the majority of?) eminent scientists are still firmly in the warming camp. Just another point of view......

Anonymous said...

And the majority of eminent critics continue to uncover the corruption and evil political maneuvers.

There is something rotten in Denmark, and East Anglia, and Washington DC.

Anonymous said...

Look I love a conspiracy theory as much as the next person ..... but Copenhagen may be our last chance to make a difference. We all have an opinion as to whether it is worth taking that chance that the conspiracists are correct .... or not.

Ducky said...

If it was truly about global warming that would be one thing...but we all know it aint so. It doesn't take special goggles to see through the smog.

Opus #6 said...

Cambridge, feel free to send your hard-earned money to whatever cause you want. To force the rest of us to pay 3K per year for JUNK science is a CRIME. Copenhagen is a way to redistribute what is left of America's wealth to the rest of the world. Is that so hard to see? What exactly is your "fair share" of what someone else has worked for!

Anonymous said...

That's an odd comment Opus - I don't want or need yours or any other American's money. I just want to be sure that the sceptics are right before we decide to do nothing and carry on regardless of the possible consequences for our kids, grandkids and other people on this earth. They deserve a chance to live as well as we have.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Cambridge, You just don't understand. It's about free will and choice. You sound like you were happy to follow the green sheep when the world was going to burn up. Now that the hoax has been exposed (as most clear thinking heads knew already) you're not as quick to "not question" it. There are thousands of scientists that were screaming at you to stop blindly following Al "F" Gore and research the truth for yourself.

The liberals will say anything to tug at your heart strings. We are tugging at your brain ... THINK !

T. F. Stern said...

I would have thought, at least by the manner in which the radical leftists have been assaulting everyone with this global warming hoax, I would have pictured a rectal thermometer.

Anonymous said...

Woodsterman - I've never followed the "green sheep". I've questioned the global warming debate from the start. I can recall when we were being told that we were heading into the next ice age ...... yeah right! - so I am often sceptical of scientists findings. There is compelling evidence that warming is occurring - we have to find out conclusively whether this is part of a natural cycle or is accelerated by man's activities. I see the idea of some global hoax as being a conspiracy theory, no more ..... I fully appreciate how others might not see it that way.

Anonymous said...

A good looking thermometer. it all seems so over exaggerated.

Anonymous said...

And while we wring our hands and wonder what we can do to save the planet (for, certainly, our simple presence must present some poison from which nature must be spared), the fascists continue to convert fear into political power.

Anonymous said...

It’s not the “number” of troops that may spell success or failure, but their composition and more importantly their Rules of Engagement.
If we are ever to win this thing, we must fight it to win it. Nothing less that that is going to work.

TS/WS said...

Since the Co2 is the pollution out put of 6 Billion Humans; the only recourse is to reduce the population to...say to about 3.25 Billion. That would reduce demands for Oil and Electricity, remove a whole lotof Cars and pleasure Boats. And of course, the demands for Chemical Plant Stacks tower of smoke would only be a memory from a picture our grandchildren would have on their DVD's-awh shucks they might not legally have the permits allowing them to wast energy to view the DVDs.