
January 2, 2010

Obama Takes U.S. One Step Closer to a Police State

T.F. Stern brings us news of a story that has been breaking through the MSM blockade in the past week. If you haven't noticed, Obama and his thugs have a plan to overwhelm us with an avalanche of challenges to our freedom and liberties. So many challenges that they will overwhelm us, dishearten us, give us too many fronts in our war against Marxism, and give our enemies the ammunition to call us paranoid and dangerous terrorists. This is the ugly. Our laws and Constitution will not apply to Interpol.

Some have suggested that the reason for this highly disturbing move is to make it easier for international charges to be brought against George W. Bush, members of the U.S. military, and other politicians who are deemed by the puppet emperors of the International Criminal Court in the EU to be
guilty of 'war crimes' for merely protecting U.S. interests.

An article which may have slipped under the radar was Obama’s amended version of Reagan’s executive order 12425. This information came to me in a round about fashion in my email; however, it would appear that the original article was written by Steve Schippert and Clyde Middleton under the title, Wither Sovereignty. and then linked via The in their article, U.S. Placed Under International Police State . Please take a few minutes to read both articles.

“Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order "Amending Executive Order 12425." It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other "International Organizations" as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945.”

Andy McCarthy at National Review asks these crucial, sobering questions of the secretive Obama order:

“Why would we elevate an international police force above American Law?

Why would we immunize an international police force from the limitations that constrain the FBI and other American law enforcement agencies?

Why is it suddenly necessary to have, within the Justice Department, a repository for stashing government files which, therefore, will be beyond the ability of Congress, American law enforcement, the media, and the American people to scrutinize?”

I don’t claim to have the answers; however, red flags went up in my mind when I considered the implications of such a change. Why change a well thought out policy which had been clearly defined as an appropriate means of supporting an international law enforcement effort while at the same time protecting American interests to a much broader policy which turns over American interests to any entity which has no accountability to Congress, American law enforcement, the media or the American people?

The cumulative efforts by the Obama administration, the not so “little things” which are being done to the foundations of America have the hair on my back standing on end. This is one more reason not to trust the “Community Organizer in Chief” or any of his close advisers.


Rhod said...

There is a metastasizing cancer in the Executive Branch, and shows also the weakness of the other two branches and cowardice in non-govtl
orgs like the ACLU.

Progressivism has lifted the mask. The confusion and magical thinking of liberals makes it impossible for them to grasp what's going on. They won't. We'll have to plow over them.

Liberalism isn't significantly different from Flat Earth idiocies, phrenology or Geocentrism. Its foundation assumptions are wrong, and the edifice built to advance itself gets more and more grotesque.

We're not in the realm of ideology at this point, this is a moral struggle..

Opus #6 said...

Obama did this because he was unable to sign away our sovereignty in Copenhagen. So he did so under executive order. He had an itchy trigger finger.

Hoping the Blind Will See said...

Just another step in the process to bring us to a "one-world" community in all respects - government, currency, law, law-enforcement. He absolutely DISGUSTS me. Even being awake, we are powerless to stop his erosion of the American culture given the passive stance we have assumed. I sure hope that this can all be undone after 2012!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Obama is coming at the American people on all fronts it seems. He DOES NOT have the interests of the United States foremost in his heart or his actions. I will not use the "T" word here out of respect for you. The man is one and if the Republicans were in charge the word "impeachment" would start to raise up.

Anónimo said...

Definitely, appearances are deceiving. Many in Chile believed that Obama would be a great president, gave him much popularity in which all faithfully supported him but never thought she would do or what they were doing maneuvers possible.
Reading your text made me think of the weak line that exists in the credibility of people in government. Acting under the transparency or "under the table" is not good. It tends to make mistakes and lose faith because there are different question to that person you see on two parallel faces ... The image of the good man and the other the bad.

Why more police forces? What to know both the privacy of individuals? Where is the freedom to talk so much about?

Well, I just hope that at least do not control all these thugs.


Jim said...

In a society which has become incapable of regulating itself I could see this happen - as it has in Bosnia, Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan. In these instances an international consortium, sanctioned by the world's nations, recognzed that a member nation has become "unhinged" and intervention is required.

But this action by our nation's Chief Executive, this is something completely different.

The question is, "What kind of criminal activity would require such action in a nation that is completely self-regulating?"

The answer is simple, there are no criminal or national security considerations that require it, only political ones.

The Amended Executive Order is a firewall. It permits an international law enforcement agency to careen through our national comity doing whatever it pleases without regard for our Courts or our Constitution. They have diplomatic immunity which precludes accountibility and shields violators from our laws.

In order for a diplomat to be prosecuted, the country he represents must agree to waive immunity. But what about an multi-national organization? By time each and every government has been consulted and negotiated with, the perpetrator is dead of old age.

Some have expounded that this is a way to get Bush and Cheney arrested for international crimes. Perhaps this is so. In any event it is a deliberate attack on our Constitutional rights, a way to intimidate Americans from exercising these rights and a way to gradually "educate" Americans that international law supercedes our Constitution. For the latter element, this sets the stage for future atrocities.

What is particularly frightening is the lack of outrage at this action. Americans should be up in arms over this. But let's be realistic, Americans should have been up in arms for over a year now over the deprecations of Obongo and the Democratics.

Bloody rebellion. Bloody, bloody rebellion.

Anonymous said...

Rhod. it's a moral struggle that often looks as if it's being fought in a vacuum. With little or no media support, it's getting difficult to find a toehold.

Anonymous said...

Opie, Obama finds the sea of public opinion difficult to negotiate. Fiat is so much quicker.

Anonymous said...

Hoping, I doubt we can undo all of it, BUT I've been wrong before.

Anonymous said...


Of course. he'd use the impeachment as a smokescreen to sneak through more destruction. Those guys are relentless.

Anonymous said...

Catalina... For us, it is a sobering thought to realize that even people in Chile can see the truth. Our citizens have fallen in love with the promises of the Marxists.

Anónimo said...

I feel a bit of uncertainty in not knowing what will happen to Americans. Everything you can do to create an effect in other countries.

More greetings.

cbullitt said...

Glad You got to it, Nickie. I was 10 days late with it too--still better than Michelle.

Charles said...

Some comments from a retired SFer on another message board.

>>This stealth act has to be related to translating Omama's desire for a civilian security force to a reality that he wants to be stronger than our armed forces. It won't take much to do that. Our Posse Comitatus Act severely restricts the use of our military force in America. But it does nothing to restrict police forces.

Up to now O had made no apparent progress on this change. Now it seems he is willing to outsource the requirement for a strong American, civilian security force to foreign nations.

Perhaps this was the plan all along. Without congressional approval, we are now to have an international police force operating in America with essentially diplomatic immunity. That translates to no accountability - therefore no need for this new security force to worry about conforming to the laws that govern us and our home grown police forces.

Who hires this force?

Since they are exempt from US Law, where is and who manages the control if any?

Will a consequence (intended or unintended) be to create a protected (by us) conduit for feeding terrorists and their supplies into the US under the cloak of diplomatic immunity?

Will this "immune" police force have access to our entire prisoner population?

Will this force have unfettered access to all US Citizens?

O's previous giveaway programs pale in comparison to giving away a key part of our nation's security system.

Anonymous said...

cbull... eventually the penny drops.

Teresa said...

Obama is a chicago thug with a lot of power. He is a threat to our Republic. This is his way of getting even with George Bush for protecting American lives. The "Organizer in Chief" is not to be trusted, even one iota. His motives I fear are of a nefarious nature. He must be impeached for violating our Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Charles. This fulfills all my fears.

T. F. Stern said...

Nickie, Wow, thanks for lifting this and posting it where more folks would have a chance to see what's going on. I get one or two folks who drop by whereas you have quite a bit of traffic. If enough folks get their fuses lighted, eventually something will blow up.

Charles said...

This fulfills all my fears

The guy had a lengthy career in SF and retired as a Colonel, he knows his stuff. Not sure what to make of it when he goes black helicopter on us.

Obama may just be pulling an Alinsky and throwing everything but the kitchen sink out there to see what sticks...

TS/WS said...

A Real Congress can block a Exe. Order within 10 days, I think that is the number. BUT, our Congress is on retreat, or in retreat! Or an ACCOMPLICE.
I commented on this on Mainfo awhile back.