
February 27, 2010

Nckie Goomba is The Tea Party Leader

What can be done to one of us, can be done to all of us.

According to Andrew Breitbart, Bill Clinton and James Carville are planning personal deep opposition research on 7-8 national leaders' active in the tea party movement.

It is un-American and morally wrong for a former president to attack Americans who have gotten involved in the political system.

It was Thomas Jefferson who said, "when the people fear the government there is tyranny".

What they still don't understand is that this is a leaderless movement, this is a 'We The People...' movement. This site is a chance for 'We The People' to stand up and say that 'I Am The Tea Party Leader'.

In the spirit of the quote, "I am Spartacus!" from the Movie Spartacus, Tea Party Patriots has developed this site called I Am The Tea Party Leader.

In case you've not seen the movie Spartacus, here is the relevance of the "I am Spartacus" quote:

It refers to a scene in the movie "Spartacus" starring Kirk Douglas as Spartacus. After the army of former Roman slaves led by Spartacus is defeated in battle by legions of the Roman army, a Roman general stands before the captured surviving members of the slave army and demands that they turn over Spartacus, or else all of the former slaves will be executed. Upon hearing this and not wanting his friends to be executed, Spartacus stands up and says "I am Spartacus." However, the loyalty of his friends is so great that each of them stands forward in succession, shouting "I am Spartacus!" until the shouts dissolve into a cacophony of thousands of former slaves each insisting "I am Spartacus!" Bewildered and still not knowing which of them is Spartacus, but impressed by the loyalty he inspires in his army, the Roman general has all of the slaves crucified in a miles-long display alongside the Appian Way leading back to Rome.

Participation is easy, here is how.

  • Watch the Spartacus video first
  • Shoot a video of yourself saying only the following words, "I am the tea party leader."
  • Upload the video to YouTube
  • Click here to share your video
  • Please note, videos which contain more language or different language will not be approved.


Chris W said...

All hail Nickie G

Teresa said...

Hell Yes!, Nickie

I am The Tea Party Leader!

I must post a video soon.

You are a sweetie, Nickie.

Anonymous said...

My wife is the leader of the Tea Party. I just do what she says.

Anonymous said...

I am the secret leader of the tea party

Wetzy said...

My entire neighborhood is the Leader Of The Tea Party.

Anonymous said...

I've loaded my video onto YouTube. Have you?

Fuzzy Slippers said...

All hail Nickie! And Teresa, and Zio's wife, and Wetzy and the whole neighborhood, and me, and every single patriot blogger pictured.

I am the Tea Party Leader!

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

Nickie, You have the ball, now run with it! Best of luck in your endeavor and we are with ya!

Opus #6 said...

Aww, NIckie, thanks for including me. I will go and find your video now.

Kid said...

Y'damn Skippy !

Snarky Basterd said...

EACH of us is a TEA Party leader. That's why the "Coffee Party" is a joke.

Eric Graff said...

G-O-D is the leader... Stands for "Get Out Democrats!!"

RightKlik said...

This is a GREAT idea, Nickie.

Bill Clinton converted me to conservatism. Maybe with these new shenanigans, he will convert a new generation.

AVY said...


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Don't tell anyone.

I am THE Tea Party Leader.

Even aliens want to know who I am.


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Hey, how come you gots a full head a hair in one avatar and in another you don't gots a full head a hair?


Michael said...

Stand together as "Brothers in Arms" until our objective is achieved and safeguarded for the next generation.

Anonymous said...


I'm linking to this as we are heading to DC tonight for the weekend. We're going to do our "I am the TEA Party Leader" videos with DC as a backdrop, and hopefully get some groups of We The People to do a Spartacus-like shot. Pray for us and pray for the Elected and Appointed and Hired in DC.

Thanks for the post!