
April 27, 2010

"You guys sign the checks. Seig Heil. Ann Frank is upstairs, third door to the right, the room behind the bookcase."

Jon Stewart Flunks His Spartacus Test

By Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator

"I am Spartacus."

It is one of the iconic lines from an iconic film.

Remember Spartacus? The 1960 Stanley Kubrick film based on a Howard Fast novel about a slave rebellion back in the glory days of Rome? Kirk Douglas -- father of Michael -- played the heroic slave leader Spartacus, his good friend Antonius played by Tony Curtis. In the signal moment from the film (said to be a slap at McCarthyism by the film's blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo), re-captured slaves, back in chains, are offered leniency. They will not face crucifixion if they will but give up Spartacus, who sits in their midst unrecognizable to the Romans. Waiting for the answer is Spartacus's foe, the Roman General Crassus, played by Laurence Olivier. After a moment of silence, as Spartacus is about to give himself up to be crucified, one by one the slaves stand and announce "I am Spartacus!" -- signaling their willingness to share their compatriot's fate. The scene epitomizes courage, a willingness to take a stand when the all-too-easy thing to do would be to simply say nothing and get off the hook.

One of the grim facts of war is that one never knows where and when these moments will present themselves. The question always is: when presented with this moment, what would you do?

Most probably, you will never know until the moment arrives.

The passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 were presented with just such a moment on the opening day of this war. One minute they were average Americans flying peacefully from Newark to San Francisco on a beautiful late summer day. The next they found themselves shockingly confronted with their Spartacus moment. Four hijackers had taken over their plane during what the Americans quickly learned from family cell phone calls was an all out attack on their country. The World Trade Center towers were in flames, soon to collapse. The Pentagon had just had a jet ram into it. The plane they were on -- United 93 -- was clearly headed back East to Washington -- on target to destroy either the White House or the U.S. Capitol.

The fact that the story is history now doesn't make it any easier to recall. The passengers, doubtless scared witless, decided to rebel. They would not be passive participants in the destruction of their country. One by one they stood up and said, in effect, "I am Spartacus." Or, in the words of passenger Todd Beamer, "Let's roll." A horrific struggle raged, the plane went down in a farmer's field in Pennsylvania. Every single passenger and hijacker died. The White House and the United States Capitol, not to mention an unimagined number of lives on the ground, were spared.

"I am Spartacus," these people were saying to the rest of us. "I am Spartacus."



Anonymous said...

"They sign the checks!"

Not exactly on par with "Give me liberty or give me death", is it now!

Rhod said...

Stewart's tired, cynical routine is the humor of philstines, decadence and weakness. It's boring and joyless in the way college coffee shops and dorms at midnight are boring and joyless.

Stewart never attacked or satirized anyone or anything that could fight back or pose a risk to him or his network. Why would anyone be surprised that, when the chips are down, he's a jellyfish.

Unknown said...

Very well written.

He's right, of course.

Subvet said...

The post unintentionally illustrates the following point. Although the "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" is trite, juvenile and idiotic, it's the way we all have of saying, "I am Spartacus".

Our blogs aren't diddle really. But they're a way of speaking out.

If you don't think one man can make a difference, think of what one cigar does to a nine room house.

May 20th is "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day".

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

The left just doesn't get it. You keep turning that cheek, and then the bullet will enter the back of your head. It's OK to make fun of a Christian or a Jew, but don't cross that line and make fun of murderers. It's time for EVERYONE to stand up to the intolerant Muslims and let them live in there part of the world as they wish. We'll live in ours our way, and we dare you to do anything about that !

RG said...

The only people we have to worry about are spineless, yet power hungry politicians who stand for nothing but themselves. Americans can stand up to anyone around the world to defend freedom, but their worst enemy is now the politicians who have taken over the U.S. Capital 7 years after 9/11representing everyone but middle America. They are America's biggest threat today.

sig94 said...

Liberal activists are brave only when there is no possibility that they will be REALLY harmed for their words or actions.

John Stewart is not Spartacus, he is Pussyacus.

Imola said...

: ))), now that's the spirit! well, since I have the right to babble, let me mumble only this ''I understand the how, yet I do not understand the why'' : )))

Teresa said...

John Stewart is the anti-Spartacus!

What a wuss.

Nishant said...

it is Very well written...
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