
July 13, 2010

I report; you decide

Megyn Kendall (that's how she's still known to me) has a discussion, er shall we say, escorts K. Powers to the woodshed:

Beautiful ... in more ways than one.


LL said...

Megyn Kelly reminds me of a younger Opus#6...

The town hall people just look a little hot under the collar at Rep. Sherman (D-CA) -- ignorant politician.

Kirstin Powers is the typical voluntarily ignorant member of the mainstream media. Magyn spanked her like an unwanted stepchild.

Anonymous said...

Somebody please describe Ms. Powers' facial expression at 2:27.


Anonymous said...

LL, I must disagree. Opie reminds me of a younger Megyn Kelly.

TS/WS said...

LL and Nickie, it would be safer to say, Megyn reminds me of Opus-if she could have been there.
The look @:2:27 is - how do you link this together?

Anonymous said...

At 2:27 she looks like the legendary frog in the pot.

Wetzy said...


Kid said...

I don't think the idiot realizes she is an idiot even now. I'll bet she thinks she 'won' that argument. Like most any child, whatever they believe - is gospel.

But, same as what I said over at Teresa's - the libs have followed obama into the depths of absurdity and have no idea how to get out. Not that they'd want to anyway!

There can't be anything wrong with anything that a black person does. Or any law breaking or minority person. Well, except a good looking rich White Person. Find some rich white guy squeaking over the line and they'll squeal like a pod hatched body snatcher.

I have to add that what I REALLY saw from kirsten is a person (like all liberals actually) who looked at what she kept trying to blurt out about the 'Bush Administration's' "corruption" (which wasn't) and used that to defend obama's total disrespect for the law in this case, and it's obscene level of double standard.

And just to put some context to it, the libs went nuts when 3 or 4 'liberal' federal prosecutors were let go that the democrat media went rabid over - versus the fact that clinton fired ALL 93 federal prosecutors the day he first took office and not a peep from the creeps.

It is the hypocrisy that bothers me. What will these people think of themselves if their brain ever floats to the surface. I don't believe it ever will because I believe people just have a total incapacity to realize how incredibly stupid they ever were beyond a certain age. And she is certainly past it. She'll wallow in the adoration of other morons as she hops skips and jumps from one liberal cocktail party to the next.

Damn Sam, we're in the position of having to debate ignorant spoiled brat children.

Children is exactly what they are. Evil? some. Dangerous? Most. But ignorant children they are.

This bitch couldn't for a SECOND stop herself from taking over the host, then had the gall to accuse the host of talking over her. And saw nothing wrong with it and Still see's nothing wrong with it. She probably shows that vid to her friends with pride. I'm serious.

Anonymous said...

LL, you set yourself up, man. I won't pile on.

Nick, your question is easy: Gas bubble.

Kid, you see it and describe it well. Take heart, my friend. If you can see it, many more ... yes, many ... can see it.

We will be heard from soon.

Things like this piss people off. Bad.

Wetz, re: cat fight, I beg to differ. The official Texas term for that vid is an "ass-whoopin'".

Opus #6 said...

I enjoyed this video immensely. Kelly did great. I like the way she took control from that contemptuous *****.

Anonymous said...

Good points, Megyn, er ... Opus.

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

DC, Thanks, I was at work and believe you said it just right;

"Beautiful ... in more ways than one."

USA_Admiral said...

Nothing in the world like a good old fashioned smack down.

Susannah said...

@ 2:27 it looks like, "oh, @#$% I-can't-show-any-emotion-here-how-am-I-gonna-spin?...talking-points-talking-points..."

If anything, Kirsten proved how brainwashed she is. ugh.