
August 16, 2010

Channeling His Inner John Kerry

I thought then, and I think now, that John Kerry is a fraud and no war hero. Watching fawning blowhards bend over, bow, and such because the guy was in Viet Nam made me ... and makes me nauseous. The Swift Boat Vets were right on target, in my view, just as Kerry was when he wounded himself by discharging his own weapon.

So, when a guy like Kerry says, "I was for the war before I was against it" and such a statement makes it all the way from the brain to the vocal chords and out before being summarily arrested for being outrageously nonsensical and cowardly, well, you can see that such incongruence makes perfect sense in the world of John Kerry.

So, now we have Barack Obama coming out with a strong statement supporting the rights of Muslims to build the "Victory Mosque" at Ground Zero, followed shortly thereafter by the calculated, "I mean the mosque may be a bad idea; I was just talking about theory and such, you know, private property, freedom of religion and the American way, etc.," well, it sounds eerily familiar.

He was for the "Victory Mosque" before he was against it.

Such ghastly, post-modern bilge can scarcely be called thought. It's akin to speech without subjects and verbs.

But the type of moral vacuum that defines Obama and his android supporters ultimately leads all who would draw near into a dark abyss.

How can one be ambivalent over a war that will cost a nation the lives of its troops?

How can one be ambivalent over 9/11 and how Muslims -- whether they claim to be "moderate" or not -- may utilize the murder of American civilians to proseletyze and promote Islam?

The denial of all truth leads eventually to the affirmation of all injustice and the loss of the ability to think.

So, we say, with a somewhat straight face that electing a Farrakhan icon, indeed a comrade of Bill Ayers, Van Jones, and Jeremiah Wright is no different than electing a Republican ... for there is not a dime's worth ofdifference, don't you know?

Meanwhile, rather than announcing from Ground Zero that our enemies will hear from us, Barack Obama paves the way for America's jihadi enemies to be heard.

But I'm sure Obama will claim he is saying the same thing that Pres. Bush did from Ground Zero.

But what does this say about us?


WoFat said...

Bilge. What a good word when one refers to John Kerry.

Anonymous said...

Wo, that and some others ...

sig94 said...

DC, I think there cannot be a moral vacuum. Something always rudely shoulders its way in and establishes itself whether it is immoral or amoral - it's always bad.

What is revealed is the immoral nature of the electorate who tolerates this kind of evil. And that is truly frightening.

Rhod said...

The mosque issue, and its appearance in New York, is way down the line of liberalism's social rot. New York City has, for generations, boasted of its diversity, tolerance for almost any lifestyle, and its cultural distance from the rest of America.

Now THIS happens, and it tests the validity of the urban conceit that differences, ethnicity and personal taste are superior to the slightest uniformity of values or even common decency.

The mosque is a horrible symbol of Islamist arrogance, but it's consistent with the the New York in-your-face and up-yours style. It works until it doesn't work, and when you pay the piper, you pay in HIS coin.

Maybe it's important for New Yorkers to be reminded that liberalism isn't a philosophy of life, it's a mental disorder.

Frances Davis said...

President Obama has had opportunities to unite our country in ways that perhaps no other president could do, and he refused to do so.

When the Sherry Sherrod issue came up, he could have come out and urged all Americans to put race aside and to join together as Americans, not as hyphenated Americans, but as Americans. He did not, he chose the path of division.

Now he could have used this as an opportunity to suggest unity between the Christian, Jewish and Muslim communities of America, and he did not, he chose the path of division.

Obama would never be great for his policies, or for any legislation that is enacted during his watch. He will not even be considered great for being the first black to be elected president, for who can control the color of their skin?

He COULD have been considered great however, for being a unifier, for being one to bring opposing sides together instead of forcing the wedge between them even more so that they become diametrically opposed.

He has failed.

Kid said...

Imagine if you will, that there are no puppet masters.....
It's just obama and a gaggle of 20-something speech writers

Imagine for a second that obama is nothing more than a racist, anti-American Dumbass.


WoFat said...

Rhod, I never had any fears while walking through the late night streets of Saigon. Can't say the same for New York.

Anonymous said...

Kid, no imagination needed. I have thought that for some time. His amazing intellect is a lot like the emperor's new clothes.

Sig, I agree completely. Some moral system will be put in place.

Frances ... he had no intention ever of doing any of that. The postmodern left is about dividing the nation.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, I agree that this reveals the utter irrationality of the philospophy of leftist thought. Barack jumped on the train for a minute and the left cheered ... as the train pulled out for election day he got off. So, he's a a craven leftist, which his friends on the train sometimes forget is redundant.

Just a conservative girl said...

As always, you have such a way with words.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Girl... Would that it were. This gem is the product of one DC. The man types with his heart and his brain. (You don't want to see his keyboard)

Starsplash said...

So the President is bowing to .6 percent of the population.... I wrote him to tell him he may be a genius but he has the wisdom of a moron.....

Anonymous said...

I think you are the fraud.You are a fraud for trying to take your personal opinions and hateful feelings and make they appear to be honest and based on facts. And, I think your ignorance and intollerance is obvious to anyone reading your musings here.

Rhod said...

WoFat, maybe, but Cholon was as bad as the South Bronx on check day.

And c'mon Schumer, you don't have to be anonymous here.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

DC, my inner John Kerry is showing, I disliked Obama before I grew to hate, distrust, and despise him. It's not good to feel that way about a President.

Anonymous said...

Conservative Girl, I've been mistaken for Mario Puzo on many occasions, so ... no sweat.

Wood, I completely agree. It's a sad thing to feel this way about the president.

Subvet said...

The fact that such tripe can be publicly stated indicates just how deeply asleep America is. Build a mosque next to Ground Zero? Three thousand souls scream out to be remembered and nobody listens.

LL said...

In the Navy, John Kerry specialized in calking off (a Navy term) and when he was asked to actually DO something and LEAD his men, he self-inflicted.

What a panzy.

However a panzy, however craven, however churlish Kerry is, he's eclipsed by barack hussein obama, closet muslim, narcissist and communist.

timJ said...

As a conservative, which of Obama's two statements are you opposed to? His statement that we have freedom of religion in the US, or his statement that the the mosque maybe shouldn't be built because it offends some people? It seems to me that these are both ideas that conservatives hold dearly, so you are really just opposed to Obama stealing your own apparent hypocrisy.

Or maybe I'm mistaken on the first part-- maybe conservatives are NOT in favor of freedom of religion, there certainly have been a lot of anti-Muslim statements from conservatives. If you want to give the government the right to stop this mosque, then you are giving the government the right to stop churches and temples of all kinds. If you are just anti-Muslim then come out and say it, and petition the government to remove all Muslims from US soil, but make to claims to being in favor of religious freedom.

Ultimately this all moot, because conservatives aren't going to actually do anything about the mosque other than complain from now until November. There's already another mosque in lower Manhattan that predates the WTC. And even if Mayor Bloomberg tried to stop the mosque it would go all the way to the Supreme Court, where even the conservatives would agree: the government has no right to interfere in religious matters of any kind.

Anonymous said...

Sub and LL, I agree completely with what you both said.

Tim, thank you for at least engaging in the substance here rather than going ad hominem. You raise some interesting questions.

I think they have some answers that are worth stating.

So, I will put up a post later tonight.