I basically never watch regular TV anymore. But way back before cable Mr. Falk was one of my favorite actors and Colombo was one of my all time favorite TV programs. He was such a talented man and he starred in one of the funniest movies around, "The In Laws" with Alan Arkin. He was an interesting man in his own right and unfortunately the last years of his life were not pleasant. He developed Alzheimers and died two days ago on 23 JUN 11. I truly miss his style of acting.
Here's a short bio section from his own website:
Peter Michael Falk was born in New York City on September 16, 1927 and raised in Ossining, New York. When he was twelve years old he made his first stage appearance in a production of The Pirates of Penzance at Camp High Point in upstate New York.This is a classic:
After graduating from Ossining High School, where he was a star athlete and president of his class, Falk served as a cook in the Merchant Marine, then studied at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, where he completed his work for a B.A. degree in political science at the New School for Social Research in 1951. He earned a Masters degree in public administration at Syracuse University in 1953.
After applying unsuccessfully for a job with the Central Intelligence Agency, he became a management analyst with the Connecticut State Budget Bureau, in Hartford. In his spare time he acted with the Mark Twain Maskers in Hartford and studied at the White Barn Theatre in Westport, and for the first time began to consider the possibility of becoming a professional actor. In 1956 at the age of 29 he left his job with the Budget Bureau, moved to Greenwich Village in New York, and declared himself an actor.
I pray indeed, that you rest in peace, Peter.
Since seeing that film, "serpentine" has become the motto for my life.
I have seen many tributes to Mr. Falk since his demise and am bewildered to as why?
Do not get me wrong as I too enjoyed his work but fail to see why so many conservatives pay tribute to what was after all just a character or better said an actor.
If I am missing something larger about the man would somebody please inform me as I am really confused about all the adoration at the time of his death and not beforehand?
Just one more thing...
nickie g. -- loved peter falk. he was a great actor. good choice with "in-laws" for sure. i played golf with him two or three times at riviera country club (to be precise, we played behind his group, but talked with him a few times). rip ... oh, just one more thing ...
Nickie - that was also the description of my golf game.
Chris - I wouldn't call this a tribute exactly, more like a very favorable observation. We both are SU grads and that's why I felt an attachment. I enjoyed his work.
Ain't that the way though? The libs hated Reagan until he died, then he was ok in their eyes. But basically, I felt the same way when Jimmy Cagney died. There is something about actors and, even though their influence will not last for centuries, they did contribute to our culture whether we like it or not. I liked him.
Jg - Did he ever let you play through? That may very well be the true measure of a gentleman.
I enjoyed Colombo as well. A well done show.
Don't know about The In'Laws... but I did enjoy watching Colombo.
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