The above dirtbag is crying because he didn't get a chance to speak to his Mexican diplomatic counsel after he raped and murdered 16-year-old Adra Sauceda in San Antonio, Texas on May 21, 1994. He is scheduled for execution this week. It's a real shame that Ms. Suaceda never got a chance to speak to her parents before he murdered her but that's life.
From Reuters:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government has called on Texas to delay the execution this week of a Mexican national because he was not told at the appropriate time of his rights to diplomatic counsel, the U.S. State Department said on Tuesday.Right now there are fifty other Mexican nationals sitting on Death Row in prisons throughout the US. Tick tock tick tock...
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the federal government had filed a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court on July 1 supporting Humberto Leal Garcia's bid for a stay of execution until the end of this year.
Your tax dollars at work...
And with this, once again, the POTUS (or POMEX?) is using it as an opportunity to jab a finger in an American State's eye.
He murdered the girl in 1994, seventeen years ago.
I'd say the system has treated him pretty well--well enough for him to be campaigning for another 17 years of life, or maybe a ticket home to mama.
Meanwhile, Adra Sauceda would have been 33 this year.
I believe it's time for Texas to tell the Feds to pound sand!
Forget lethal injection.
Take him apart with a blowtorch and a pair of pliers, it would still be better than what his victim suffered.
I will supply the pliers and the torch
I'll use the pliers and torch. For all of them.
How many people have no idea about how the worst of Mexico come here to do their crime, and even IF they get caught, they end up in what amounts to a 3 star hotel in the American prison system ? Too many.
I've heard some stories about some of these guys that I just won't repeat. Suffice to say, these guys deserve less than zero.
Amnesty International? Let us know when you're setup on your own planet and we'll send all this vermin to live with YOU.
just read the details of the manner in which he tortured Adra-I want him executed the same way he tortured - murdered Adra--
Nobody really needs fingernails.
christian soldier The word's brutal and barbaric don't rise to the degree of violence done by this brute to an innocent minor. If his crimes don't warrant the death sentence, none do.
This demon from hell is DEAD NOW!
Good, he will rot there forever, what a vile psycho.
God rest the soul of that poor girl.
Send the scum out in a 'Green Mile' way!
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