
October 3, 2012

Where's The Valium?

Okay, I listened to the debate. Now I have to sedate myself. What a crock. Neither one should be President.


Opus #6 said...

America is resilient. Keep repeating that to yourself.

Fradgan said...

I know... I know...

sig94 said...

Opus - It's just so discouraging - all the talk talk talk about revenue and not much about reducing spending. We are in big time deficit trouble not because there isn't enough money but because they spend too damn much!

banned said...

Oh dear, didn't the Founding Fathers forsee a position where no suitable candidate for President emerged?
We used to have a thing called a 'Vote Of (No) Confidence' in the House Of Commons which was used to get rid of a rubbish Prime Minister but one of brave Daves first moves was a law that any Government must last 5 years, come what may; (Herman Goering would have quite liked that one).

sig94 said...

banned - that's why we have the 2nd Amendment. That's how we roll in the Colonies...

WoFat said...

One of these has to win. We already know that one of them - the one who has the job now - is useless. Time to try the other one. In every presidential contest I've lived through, the best choice was always the least objectionable. There was no real BEST. Otherwise you get Jimmy Carter.

Doom said...

Yeah, well, there is a reason I am getting banned left and right by "conservative" sites. I don't want valium, I want a damned president who would represent me. A man and politician to whom I could lend my support. The pick of the litter ain't doing it. I thought Paulites were bad, and they are/can be. Then came the Zero zombies. Now we have the f'ing Romney rods. Grhhh!

sig94 said...

WoFat - Oh, I'll vote for Romney, but electing a cultist who thinks he's a Christian just isn't my cup of tea. Nice guy perhaps, a wonderful man perhaps -even so - we need a leader whose feet are permanently affixed to bedrock principles.

sig94 said...

Doomed - well, you won't get banned for being conservative. Matter of fact, I never banned anyone for any reason. Just yell at them I guess.

Kid said...

So far, I've never voted For anyone. I've only voted against democrats.

Kid said...

PS - Debates or anything at this stage of an election is nothing more than the Attempted Seduction of the Ignorant.

Anonymous said...

I need to ask everyone here a question, and this is completely honest curiosity on my part, I'm not interested in an argument or to convince you of anything. In fact I am a Republican (and any other year I would vote the GOP ticket and not think twice about it, but for the first time in my life I am looking seriously at a third party, mainly because it appeared Romney would lose anyway.)

My question is this:

What was your reaction to Romney saying things like "I’m not looking to cut massive taxes" and "I will not reduce the share paid by high-income individuals" when he has been talking about tax cuts for job creators for months? (There were other comments like this, but those stand out in my mind.)

sig94 said...

Anon - I think we are thoroughly fooked any way we go. With Obama it's forcible anal rape and he gets a plate of chili cheese fries and a smoke at the end. With Romney there'll be no kiss, just a handshake before the act and a sympathetic form letter afterwards signed by Ann

The Republicans have done their best to force true conservatives out of the mix. The Tea Party has been marginalized by both sides and has to do it on their own.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for more responses, but my own impression was first "what?!", then when I thought about what he said and looked at the transcript later I saw he was being at best slippery, but still seriously disingenuous, manipulative. He was parsing his words to appeal to liberals in the hope of getting more votes (maybe that worked since he's up in the polls now), but it really turned me off. If only we lived in a world where politicians actually just came out and said "this is my policy, this is what I would like to do if given the chance" and let the chips fall where they may. It seems democracy works best that way, when we know what we are voting for instead of making a best guess at who represents our values.

From being governor of MA. to the GOP primaries to the general election Mitt has gone back and forth on what he actually believes. Many of us are taking it on faith that he still holds to conservative values, but I am very very annoyed. It has always looked like Mitt was chosen by GOP insiders before the primaries even began, and that makes me angry, it makes me willing to vote for Gary Johnson even though I don't like him that much either, just to send a message that political parties should actually STAND for something, PLUS it will probably take 4 more years of Obama to convince people of how sinister he is. After that you can expect not only a solid GOP president, but to take back both houses of congress. Think of the long game.