
February 5, 2013

Blank Death Warrants

A Predator B Unleashes A Hellfire Missile On A Terrorist Salt Lake City PTA Assembly

The liberals went double-full-tilt nutso when the Bush administration water boarded terrorists but now Obama's DOJ says it's okay to outright kill any American who is suspected of being a terrorist.

And they're okay with that.

Even better, you don't need evidence that the suspect American is even planning an attack:
For example, while Webster’s defines “imminent” as “ready to take place,” the Justice Department has a different take: “The condition that an operational leader present an ‘imminent’ threat of violent attack against the United States does not require the United States to have clear evidence that a specific attack on U.S. persons and interests will take place in the immediate future.”

The day Obama socked it to
The Salt Lake City PTAAAAAAY

This shit is just getting too weird.

And in a related story, Drones Be Gone.


Opus #6 said...

Obama is without feelings. I heard about him joking that he would blast boys who wanted to date his daughters with a drone strike "and they would never see it coming."

Gorges Smythe said...

I thought maybe "Drones be Gone" was a new bug spray!

Undergroundpewster said...

Shoot first, ask questions later.

Don't take 'em alive, because then we'll have an ethical problem on our hands.

Blood on our hands must have come out in the balance as a lesser ethical problem to the Do?J.

WoFat said...

Picky, picky, picky.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

It makes perfect sense to me. Americans are the enemy.

Andy said...

A small, megalomanical despot with all the makings of the Antichrist.

sig94 said...

Opus - oh, he has feeling alright. Much like any other carrion feeder has feelings: fear, hunger, anger.

sig94 said...

Gorges - yes, pesky, lethal insects cruising at 35,000 feet over our cities.

sig94 said...

Pewster - let's just skip the questions completely. No questions here sir, nope, not one...

sig94 said...

WoFat - yes, especially when they appear to be very shortly picking on us.

sig94 said...

Odie - remember Pogo?

"We have met the enemy and they are us."

sig94 said...

Andy - I think the Antichrist will be even more deceptive than Obama for he will deceive even the elect.

Subvet said...

I'm in the process of reading the document and IMO it's too damned vague. By itself it may never be used to knock off any of "Dear Leader's" domestic enemies, but it opens a very questionable door.

Doom said...


I'm not worried about his political enemies, I'm worried about people who could go missing without notice, like me. His political "enemies" are proving to be just about as bad. I doubt if they would use a drone, at least until they had every power and gun locked up. Does it matter how they murder? I'm thinking a no-knock, shoot-to-kill, order, at midnight.

Kid said...

If in doubt, hide in a welfare office, harlem, the MLK center, or the white house.

Subvet said...

Doom, right now I'm plodding my way through "The Nazi Doctors". Grim stuff. The point it makes thats relevant to this post is that the eugenic murders and genocide were never well kept secrets. A good portion of the German people knew and didn't care enough to stop what was going on. We'll see some of the same I believe. Your neighbors will awaken to the gunfire at your home, roll over and go back to sleep. Ditto for my neighborhood. The drone attacks will be justified in a shabby, haphazard manner that the MSM will enthusiastically promote and soon sink below public eye.

Bottom line: the USA we knew is dead. I doubt we'll see it or anything like it return. Welcome to the new Dark Ages.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

See you at the Chestnut Tree Cafe.

Anam Cara said...

I am certain that my brother is rolling over in his grave.

He worked for years developing the Predator for surveillance of enemy troops.

But his proudest moment came when a Chinook that was shot down in Afghanistan in 2002. A Predator was following and saw the hard landing. One American was left alive, but it would take some time to get more copters there for rescue. The downed soldier was in communication with the Predator operators. He saw enemy coming up the hill. He could describe the location where the enemy was. The Predator use a lazar to spot, a Navy plane fired w/ 105 howitzer and they “engaged a new form of timber management.” It was 11 hours before the rescue could come. There were times when the soldier on the ground felt alone. At those times the Predator operator would point the lazar just in front of him which he could see with his night vision goggles, letting him know that someone really was watching over him. When the rescuers came, it was the Predator lazar’s that showed the incoming copters where to land, informed by the one American left alive. What made my brother so proud was than every American on that mountain was brought home and not one who was alive after the hard landing was harmed by the enemy.

Then they started using hellfire missiles and he told me that he was certain those assured his place in hell. It greatly disturbed him when there was “collateral damage” of civilians during a strike.

He saw the drones as a way to protect American lives. He never saw them as a way to kill Americans.

May his memory be eternal!

Anonymous said...

"And they're okay with that."

Except they're not OK with it. Every liberal website I've seen mention it is concerned. Not screaming/freaking-out/scared like during Bush, but hand-wringing and furrowed-brow worried. They don't like it, but I don't think many of them know what to do about it. It's not like either party offers any respite-- I'm sure a President Romney would be doing basically the same thing. Essentially this is the new normal, unless both parties agree that it has to stop, but the eternal DC-tug of war means whatever party has the White House goes silent. Same thing with the debt-- under Bush liberals complained, now it's conservatives who are complaining about the debt.

sig94 said...

Subvet - the part that really bothers me is that evidence of a clear and present danger is no longer necessary to terminate an American citizen. On the average, law enforcement officers kill about 400 felons a year in the US without a warrant or any other legal instrument - so killing another felon outside the country is not much of an issue to me. It's just the vague circumstances under which this action can be justified.

sig94 said...

Doom - IMHO, Obama, or any other President for that matter, does not need a Predator to take out an opponent. Plenty of people bit the dust around Billy Jeff and not a one has been solved.

sig94 said...

Anam - that is a wonderful, wonderful story. God bless your brother for his service.

sig94 said...

9a310 - I was reflecting more on the media coverage from the usual suspects - CBS, PBS, ABC, CNN etc. No doubt some of our more liberal friends are finally starting to see the light.

As far as the political parties' respite is concerned, I believe my next post will completely explain my feelings.