
September 23, 2016

On Vacay

I am blogging from beautiful southern Maryland, St. Mary's county near Leonardtown, staying with my sister and her husband.  We will celebrate his 70th birthday this week. Then on Monday the wife and I are will continue on our victory tour to Fayetteville, North Carolina, where we will join our daughter in celebrating her terminal leave from the  Army. Yes, our Soldier Girl has had enough of the Big Army and has taken a civilian job with a DoD contractor serving the Little Army, a  JSOC unit at Fort Bragg. She has also joined the Kentucky National Guard, 20th Special Forces Group. She still wants to serve.

We then journey east to Cape Carteret  to stay with some friends near Emerald Island. From there it's homeward bound where I will yet ponder on compete retirement. After 42 years in the business, it's getting old.


LL said...

Is she working at "The Bunker" at Ft. Bragg. I still have friends there, though most have retired. She's pretty enough that they'll try to get her included in that cadre. The old Master Chief Warrants (WO-5) are old, lecherous men, but the bark is worse than the bite.

sig94 said...

LL, she'll be working at a secure facility on base. I'll let you know. Maybe she can drop your name if the old lechers get too intense, or maybe not...

LL said...

Some of those guys MAY have dirt on me... but none the less the SEAL's are to be viewed in this way: "Trust 'em with your life but not with your money or your wife." There aren't a lot of SEAL's at the Bunker but they do drift through from time to time.