This is a passionate post by Ken Taylor that originally appeared at The Liberal Lie, The Conservative Truth.
Barack Obama and Democrats are circling the wagons and trying to dismiss the angry protests over government controlled health care as ," manufactured anger," according to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. The Democrat National Committee claims that the protests are a result of paid individuals who are placed in the town hall meetings by powerful lobbies who represent the health insurance industry.
A video that has been seen all over the web that shows Barack Obama in his own words stating that his intended goal through health care legislation is to ,"eliminate," private insurance to be replaced by a government run single payer socialist health care take over. The White House web site began a propaganda campaign to convince Americans that what we have seen with our own eyes and heard with our own ears coming out of the mouth of Barack Obama was, "misinformation." HOW STUPID DO THESE IMBECILES THINK WE ARE ?
For the record, we are not manufactured, we are not on any health insurance companies payroll, we are not hired by any lobby, we are angry Americans who are fed up with the direction that Barack Obama and Democrats are taking this Nation and we are NOT going to take it anymore!

There are not just a few of us, nor are there only hundreds but rather there are MILLIONS of Americans like myself who are angry at what Barack Obama and his liberal cronies are trying to do to our Nation. WE DO NOT WANT your health care Mr. Obama. WE DO NOT WANT your spending Mr. Obama. WE DO NOT WANT your deficits Mr. Obama. WE DO NOT WANT your big government Mr. Obama. WE DO NOT WANT your socialism.

We are angry Americans whose love for our country and for the traditions, freedoms and liberties that have made our Nation great demand that we take a stand against you and through our collective anger remind you that we are the authority and power in this land and it is your responsibility to adhere to the will of the people and NOT the ideology of socialist government.
We know that what you are doing is NOT what our Founders intended for this Nation. We know that what you are doing will rob us and our children of the freedoms that we have held dear since our Nation was founded. Mr. Obama government was created for the people and it receives its true authority from the people. The people are not slaves of the government as you and your cronies would make us. We will not have it and we will stop you.
Mr. Obama, your numbers are crashing. Your agenda is failing and your health care debacle is not what we want. We will not let it stand and we will not let it pass. Mr. Obama we are not manufactured, we are not paid for our protests. Who are we ? We are your worst nightmare. We are angry Americans and we are also your boss. Look it up in our Nations Constitution and you will see that you work for us.

Obama said it. It wasn't taken out of context. This isn't a right-wing conspiracy. Obama is a statist, and Americans have started to realize those who warned of this before the election weren't crazy.
It is what Conservatives have feared as we watched our population become bored by politics.
What time does American Idol come on?
I agree completely with the sentiments in the post. That said, we need to be cognizant of how the opposition portrays us ... Currently, we are dealing the with "mob" tag. It's absurd, but the opposition owns most of the media and in relationships (which politics and persuasion ultimately are about) perception is reality.
We need to forge ahead with good humor (as is done here, with regularity), a big smile, confidence, and always, always ... saying not only "NO" to Obamacare, but yes to what we would like to do with respect to health care, the economy, and the country as a whole. In politics, a happy warrior is best.
With the foregoing said, I think it would behoove our side to be as polite as possible at these events. Let the Demos speak ... and then calmly point out how wrong they are. Ask simple stuff like ... 1) Have you read it, and if not, how could you urge us (or any one) to vote for it? 2) Will you be covered by it, too, and shouldn't you abide by what you would require us to abide by? 3) What's the rush in such an economic climate, and how is this related to economic development? 4) Explain how this is not going to end up with a single-payer system and wouldn't you agree that would be bad if it did?
People will clap and cheer. We have the better arguments, the public and momentum on our side. Let the opposition's true colors come out and ours show.
In a previous age, the forebears of the scum belittling the protestors, were blaming other unrest on Jews, northern agitators and communists. Liberalism isn't about liberation now, it's about subjection.
We have no way of knowing how this will turn out in the long run. But this is an age when The Establishment is decaying (sorry about the old radical's terminology), all the signposts are pointing in that direction, and the response is always the same.
Coercion, organized lying, terrorism in different degrees, pressure on the free-thinkers and sweets for the slaves. But they can't stop it.
The things that seem the most invincible can vanish overnight.
Great post, Nickie. Hopefully Obama will soon realise that he has bitten off more than he can chew. Everything he says is pure socialist propaganda and, sooner or later, people will see through it. He will find out that angry Americans are a force to be reckoned with!
Gentlemen, I believe we are a generation unfamiliar with having to fight and scrape and claw to preserve the privileges gifted us by uncommonly wise ancestors.
This will be a bareknuckled melee with just one guarantee: To lose this battle is to surrender individual liberty.
We will look back in horror at having left the door ajar for the villains to invade our homes.
Barky... Man, I pray you're right!
Ok, that's it Nickie, I gotta report ya.
Excellent post, worthy of a reprint. This man knows what to say and SAYS it. I just wish he could have said it straight into Obama's face, and I could have seen the video.
Which one of Obama's faces would that be?
If I don't end up on some list somewhere, I'm gonna be really disappointed.
I'm going to miss these posts when freedom disappears. I keep thinking I've covered all the bases and then you publish another posting and I'm saying "yes, too true, we're losing it all".
Anonymous, if that's really your name... We haven't lost yet. Let's at least go down fighting and biting.
Who knows? I've thrown lucky punches before!
Conservatives need a better candidate. Not a representitive, but one of us. Not an east coast bureaucrat. Not an elitist. But a person with a heart and soul of the founder's intentions.
I agree, Wetz. I haven't seen many lately.
Wetzy - you couldn't be more right. America needs somebody to advocate its interests. Obama couldn't be more wrong for the job.
to all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true, if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it’s called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, he travel abroad before he was a Senator, but I guess he fooled them too?
Paula, thanks for stopping by and drooling all over my blog.
If you're looking for the conspiracy guys, I think they headed over that way some where. Don't forget your helmet.
LL, that brings up the question... How are YOU set for campaign funds?
Paul needs a Damascus Road experience. The evidence of his eyes, his senses, his puny brain and the world of phenomena aren't enough. It's called liberalism, and sometimes the flight from freedom.
Amen Brother !
Rhod, Paul's political growth may have been stunted by too much ganja in his bedroom off his mom's garage.
Woody, theologically, you're right on the money.
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