David Goodhue of the Keys Reporter reports an interesting development in this era of Worldwide Greening!
"The argument about continuing the moratorium [of drilling off of much of Florida's coast] takes a different turn if everyone else is drilling all around us."While the debate about drilling off the coast of Florida continues in Washington and the state Legislature, several international companies are getting started on projects that could bring oil rigs within 60 miles of the Keys by year's end.
Companies from nations like Norway, Spain, India, China, Russia and Brazil have signed exploration agreements with Cuba and the Bahamas that could mean drilling south of Key West this year, and 120 miles east of the Keys in the Cay Sal area of the Bahamas in fewer than two years.

what a stunning find..does it get any more surreal than this!
I think that some of the oil fields extend laterally for some way. So if the neighbors drill, then they take our oil and we will never get it back. Smart. Not.
Let Russia and China do all the expensive exploration, and then we can seize the platforms for ourselves.
At least that's what I'd do...
My head just exploded. I mean literally- *POOMPH* with blood and gray matter sliding down the screen.
I weep for the species.
Had to steal the link and let my 12 readers know. But I told 'em it was your fault.
I think it's beautiful. It's another example of how the enviro-nuts simply don't understand reality.
International waters start 3 miles off the coast. Anyone can go do whatever they want, including drill for oil off Florida's coast using technology that may not be up to par with the country that has the Best and Safest Technology for drilling - That would be the USA.
Wait for part II. That'll be when demand for oil kicks up again on the other side of this recession ride and the price of gas goes to 5 bucks or more and the Libs blame it all on the Greedy Oil Companies once again. No folks, it was these liberal government inspired no drill policies that did the trick, and as noted, drilling will occur anyway. Just not for our own benefit off of our own shores.
Then God Forbid, Part III will be when one or more of these rigs goes bad and Florida has millions of gallons of oil show up on the beach. Good luck getting one of these yahoos to clean it up.
Shakin my head...
Woman, look at who's running Washington. It doesn't get any more surreal than that.
Down is up.
Opie, it's clear to see that we're preparing for our future.
Inno, don't expect that from our weenies in government. They couldn't seize their butt cheeks with both hands unless Acorn and the Unions told them to.
Chup... You'll be needing an entire case of Kleenex.
Cbull, mea culpa, my friend.
Enviro-nuts DO understand reality. And they are working to create the country they want.
I just received a newsletter from Gov. Charlie Crist bragging about FL's research in renewable energy. Here's a snippet:
"Florida is quickly becoming the focal point for renewable energy development in the nation. We are supporting research and development of clean, renewable energy such as biofuels, solar, wind, and ocean energy."
Not one mention of drilling for our own oil.
Gee, Lady, is that the same RINO presidential wannabe Charlie Crist?
That tells me all I need to know.
benvenuto da charmel
Nickie :-]
I would argue the enviro-freaks are working to destroy the country they want. Course it won't be obvious until they're living half as well as the European socialists and paying 3 times as much for it.
Charmel, I'm charmed!
Kid, if by that you mean that the eco-nazis are shortsighted, I agree. They may be misguided, but rarely stupid.
Well...the U.S. is sorta still exploring the power possibilities located up the anuses of Obugger and the Commie Congresscritters, so, it's only natural for us to let third-world countries take the lead in energy exploration all around us.
That's what we've always done, right?
Wait...we're not accustomed to lowering ourselves to the levels of the dictatorships around us?
I thought that's what "hope and change" was all about....
Doc, you are correct. Actually the USA is evolved enough to realize that dirty stinky uncool manufacturing jobs are for uncool people, as are gasoline-belching cars and sensible shoes.
Soon we'll have a Starbucks, Old Navy, Trader Joe's, and Game Stop on every corner. Then the Chinese will be sorry.
Radical environmentalist have taken control in Washington and they, these so-called greenies, would have us all step back 100 years. Theirs is a world of the past and not the future they claim. They fail to see the many benefits of industrialization and want to take us back to the horse and buggy days. Sounds great, but the reality of the present day world will not allow this. Theirs is a fools dream, a utopian view devoid of reality.
It's a fool's dream but, unfortunately, it is now our reality.
Nickie, I can agree on that.
Personally I'd love an electric commuter car. I drive 17 miles one way to work, and could plug the thing in all night long.
But a few things:
I'm not going to pay a lot of money for it. By definition, a GM Volt for 30k+ is an absurd amount of money
My current vehicle isn't going anywhere because I need it to pull a trailer or even load up the back at Lowes/Home Depot. The Volts will never fill such a role in the near future.
The electric grid will need some updating asap, even though most recharging will be off peak hours.
But an electric at a decent price would get my gas vehicle off the road for 80% of my driving.
Nickie, you make a good point. Conservatives are not *against* the environment. It is just that people need to use reason and good sense and not devastate our economy and people in the name of environmentalism.
I want an electric car too. But the electricity needed to power these things will come from coal, oil, gas, dams (gasp) or, heaven help us, nuclear.
With today's technology. solar and wind cannot meet the need.
Ope, if their goal is to ruin evil Capitalism, they'll use every politically correct philosophy to do so.
Nickie, That's what I was thinking of (coal,oil,dams,nuke) when I said the Enviro-people were not in possession of the facts.
PS - political correctness is a cancer upon society.
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