Take a look HERE. The subversive effects of capitalist mass-marketing need to be evaluated here, and maybe appreciated.
This will enrage a lot of radical Islamist males, which is good. The more miserable they are, the better. And it might lead to another feminist Night of the Long Knives...with them driving their spikes into the hearts of beautiful dolls - to protest the difference between the injection-molded perfection of the doll and the little girl who owns one - but who unfortunately favors Grandma - piano legs, moles, and all.
Whatever irritates our opponents is a good thing.
My mandarin Barbie with the bound feet was a collector's item until my unclean dog chewed her head off.
Problem solved. Stick an army of G.I. Joes under those Snuggies.
ah yes dhimmitude in full effect my friend!!..UGH!
Just in time for the Infidel Jesusness Celebration in December, the Barbie Dream Carbomb, and Mosque Playset.
Don't forget the accessories. Backpack with suspicious lumps of plastique.
Jerka jerka ji-had... (from Team America, a required training movie for all "mess kit repair" soldiers.)
Let's include a plastic machete for cutting off the heads.
I like the G.I. Joe idea, Nickie.
Where can I get one? I know just where to send it.
I can't wait for the exploding Ken.
How about the GhiaPet Ken, with the ever growing beard.
The Ken with spring actuated arm that knocks the special back talking Barbie right off her feet.
The Goat loving Ken.
Dead Ken surrounded by 72 goats, all dressed up like Barbie.
This collection could get expensive...
Wait. I used to have a roommate named "Goat-loving Ken".
I want the Daniel Pearl Memorial Nuke Mecca™ Lego Kit.
The Plutonium Edition of course.
Holding out for al-Ken ...
I expect that your GI Joe is similar to our Action Man except that he's gone all treehuggy and green.
Sig, that comes with a detachable velcro head.
DC... You can call me Al.
Treehuggy and green... that would be Kermit the Tree Frog.
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