New York Times About to Put American Troops in Deadly Peril
I have just received word that the New York Times is preparing to go public with a list of names of Americans covertly working in Afghanistan providing force protection for our troops, as well as the rest of our Coalition Forces. If the Times actually sees this through, the red ink they are drowning in will be nothing compared to the blood their entire organization will be covered with. Make no mistake, the Timesis about to cause casualty rates in Afghanistan to skyrocket. Each and every American should be outraged.
It is another Daily Outrage in the time of Obama. :-(
If this is true, I hope some of the operatives go rogue a la Jason Bourne.
Yeah I heard about this. If they do it, they'll lose a lot of readers. Or rather, they'll lose "the rest". At least I'd hope so, its hard to figure out just what it takes to outrage the average person these days. Apparently, generational theft was only 1/2 of what it took...
The NY Times stopped being American a long time ago.
thanks for the latest NYSlimes horror my friend..egads!
The NY Slimes is about as anti-American as our justice department. I wonder is our attorney general approved of the release?
Nickie, Not the first time. It's all out war for these slime. And I'm talking about more than the NYSlimes. Of course.
And the kids were either oblivious or cheered it on.
What? Again?
Par for the course at the Senile Grey Whore!
They need to be shot as tratiors.
Geroaldo drew a diagram in the sand on camera, of our troops where abouts- nobody did him in. Got a job at Fox!
Well it is an outrage but finally they are being consistent.
Note to They Say/We Say,
Geraldo is a leftie, it is par for thier course to undermine the troops.
It's time to put the Gray Lady to sleep forever.
This is the last straw.
How can they do this? How can they undermined Berry's war?
What a sad state of affairs we've reached when the media is happy to sacrifice the lives of those who ensure their freedom of the press.
I know Geraldo is, and so is the paper. Nothing will happen. Geraldo paved the way..
Disgraceful...but why am I not surprised?
New York Times, are they still in business? Thought they'd gone under by now, most folks just used it to line the bird cage until the birds started complaining that there was too much crap on the printed page and made it difficult for them to sleep with such a smell.
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