Our commander in chief deserves nothing more than twice our contempt...
A picture is worth a thousand words!
I notice there's no American Flag decal on the bus. Wonder why?
TNBC - this is one of those times when two arms seem strangely unequal to the task.
Velcro - sometimes more.
Kid - we can only hope that this will become a common response whenever and wherever Obugger shows his face.
WoFat - yeah, isn't that a mystery now?
Like I've been saying ... It's Eye Candy!
Silver - Maybe this is the new conservative "wave" that will ripple across America wherever Obugger shows his face. Can you imagine this at a huge political confab where the audience stands up and salutes Obugger this way? Awesome.
Odie - yes indeed. Let the wrath of the American people begin and build to a crescendo in November.
My feelings exactly.
Fradgan - And you know there are millions and millions who echo your sentiments.
Better look out, soon anyone voicing displeasure with "The One" will be labeled a terrorist.
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Our commander in chief deserves nothing more than twice our contempt...
A picture is worth a thousand words!
I notice there's no American Flag decal on the bus. Wonder why?
TNBC - this is one of those times when two arms seem strangely unequal to the task.
Velcro - sometimes more.
Kid - we can only hope that this will become a common response whenever and wherever Obugger shows his face.
WoFat - yeah, isn't that a mystery now?
Like I've been saying ... It's Eye Candy!
Silver - Maybe this is the new conservative "wave" that will ripple across America wherever Obugger shows his face. Can you imagine this at a huge political confab where the audience stands up and salutes Obugger this way? Awesome.
Odie - yes indeed. Let the wrath of the American people begin and build to a crescendo in November.
My feelings exactly.
Fradgan - And you know there are millions and millions who echo your sentiments.
Better look out, soon anyone voicing displeasure with "The One" will be labeled a terrorist.
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