
November 4, 2012

Down To The Wire

I don't want to answer the phone until after Tuesday. Every idiot in the world who wants public office also wants to tell me about it and to cry about voting for him or her come the 6th. And with the answering function playing aloud while it records their whining you are forced to listen to their claptrap anyway.

Almost makes you wish for a good, old fashioned monarchy ala King George III. No election campaigns, just the divine right of kings in action and in your face.

Then again, George looks like a rip-roaring asshat and he did send British and German troops here to raise hell.

But, then again, Prince Willy's wife would make a really hawt Queen and she likes to sun bathe in the all together.

I'm so conflicted.

Oh well, I guess we can just put up with the idiots every four years.


Kid said...

Make me the King and the universe will once again be made right...

WoFat said...

Prince Willy's wife would give King George a heart attack.

jay son said...

she's probably worth the flowers, but needs to eat a sandwich or something. how can you be the "mother" of the country and have better proportioned sparrows shitting on the statues around the castle? just saying.

sig94 said...

Kid - You're on. The Coronation is at noon tomorrow.

sig94 said...

WoFat - and died a much happier monarch.

sig94 said...

jay son - true, she's a bit lean for my taste also. They have bacon double cheeseburgers in England?