
April 24, 2013

Beam 'Em Back Scottie


Doom said...

Captain Kirk must have been a secret capitalist then, or at least against that part. It seems he killed most of the species who tinkered with us, if he had the power. The rest sent us away and usually had to power to keep us away or weren't worth revisiting. I have to think he was reacting to what you are suggesting. On top of it, he was never too busy to try and get a little alien leg on the way through.

If you live in an amoral time, have priorities even then, and stick to them. He did just that. Usually with the help of the rest of his crew, sometimes in spite of themselves.

sig94 said...

Doom - Lt. Uhuru was hawt!

Doom said...

Meh. Not my style. Now Yeomen Rand. As a little aside, she only lasted half a season because of... alcohol and sex addiction problems.

Just... saying.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

It is the job of every lib to create a land of opportunity where there is none.

LL said...

They will only send them money if they vote Democrat. OR if they're dead and still vote for the Democrat of their choice. OR if they're willing to kick back some of the public money into a politician's pocket.

Mamma Bear said...

bahahahaha! that's funny but ain't it the truth!

sig94 said...

Odie - I would think it is the job of every lib to create a world of squalor and dependency where once there was opportunity.

sig94 said...

LL - or if they can sneak their people in to sign up for welfare and anchor babies - or anchor eggs, anchor larvae, etc. And then vote.

sig94 said...

Mamma Bear - yes, unfortunately it is. Perhaps in the near future we can have ICE ignore UFO's landing in Arizona and discharging their cargo of welfare wannabees.

WoFat said...

I'm waiting for a UFO to land in DC, and get taxed.

sig94 said...

WoFat - nah, some Obama facilitator will be there in a flash to sign them up for SSI.