
October 20, 2013

Now That's Talent!

Compare this piece to the crap that is offered today as art. This bust was carved from stone.


Doom said...

Absolutely no doubts.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...


Kid said...

Extremely impressive. But remember these folks had a lot of time on their hands, and women were a lot friendlier.

Doom said...

Kid? I would say that a life is a life, but the problem is? Their lives were usually quite a bit shorter. I don't think they actually did have even equal time to work, live, do. They simply appreciated what time they had much more. And... women have never been friendlier. Like cats, they are what they are, what they have been, and what they will be. *hiss*

Laughing all the way to the cat house. Or... uhrm... dog house? *grins*

Kid said...

Doom, Our mileage may vary ! haha

sig94 said...

Doom - art like this never ceases to amaze and thrill me. Such talent...

sig94 said...

Odie - yep, also my initial reaction.

sig94 said...

Kid - true, but he did it without any power tools, just the skill in his own hands.