
March 3, 2016

Romney Almost Grows A Pair

Romney v. Trump?
Four years ago Romney didn't have the stones to really go after Obama. Now all of a sudden he's found a pair and he's going after Trump.

It's like a duck waddling in to take on a honey badger. A honey badger on meth.
This won't be pretty.

From Rush Limbaugh:
So you think this was done on behalf of Rubio? You think they sent Romney out there on behalf of Rubio, and this is making you want Trump even more because you're so ticked off at what they're doing? That's probably gonna be a pretty common reaction here. Trumpists out there are gonna feel like the establishment's trying to manipulate 'em, sucker 'em, and they're just gonna dig in deeper. That's why I said when I opened the program, "I cannot believe they still do not get what's happening out there." By that I mean the establishment Republicans in Washington. 


LL said...

The mainstream GOP doesn't understand the grassroots movement that Trump has started with his run. He is a nationalist and many Americans feel that they'd get a better shake than they have with the "internationalists" who dominate the GOP and Dem parties.

Doom said...

I always suspected the GOP would rather have Hillary than a real conservative and/or nationalist (in the vein of George Washington, not Adolf Hitler mind you), though certainly a man who is both. Proof is in the pudding. As for Romney, if he is tea, bring me coffee. If he is coffee? Bring me tea. Nothing to him, as with the other candidates, those who are even really American (as the founders set things). Fatherhood was initially inherited, but only from the father. And for good reason. So Cruz, by that definition, is not an American. Wouldn't even have been allowed to vote, let alone hold office.

Doom said...

"Fatherhood was initially inherited, but only from the father. And for good reason. So Cruz, by that definition, is not an American. Wouldn't even have been allowed to vote, let alone hold office."

Citizenship was initially...

Fredd said...

I keep saying it (but nobody listens to dumb ol' me anyway): The Donald may be a snake, but he's OUR snake.

sig94 said...

Our snake, heh heh heh.

Kid said...

Truly, sending in the clowns mclame and romney to attack trump will have the opposite effect. Are the repubblekins that Stupid. Yea, I think they are.