This coincided with the Dirty Digger’s visit to Britain. In America, his new pride and joy, the Wall Street Journal, has all but given up on Brown. It commissioned two pieces to coincide with the weekend of its proprietor’s trip to these shores – a hymn of praise to David Cameron, “A Tory Star Rises” (12 June), followed by an op-ed piece headlined “Gordon Brown Helped Cause the Crisis” (15 June). It concluded: “Choosing a new leader with integrity and managerial competence is the party’s best chance to win greater respect from voters.”
His British editors are never more like the “His Master’s Voice” dog than when the boss is actually in town and breathing down their necks.
Sure enough, the News of the World said on 14 June that cutting the BBC’s income was a good idea, “but absolutely not to bail out commercial TV. Savings should go right back to licence payers.” Three days later a Times leader called for “a smaller BBC” and complained that Carter had funked “the opportunity to advocate returning some of the licence fee.” Woof, woof!
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Everyone's patience with Gordon Brown is failing fast, not least the British electorate.
Lizzie, you mean to tell me that Gordo is not the charismatic and powerful leader who will solve the problems of the K?
Thanks for visiting.
What I like is that there are so many people in Britain who are poised to throw some punches and clear out that Westminster pig sty.
You know what I think of Brown, Nickie, and, as Lizzie says, most of the British people are now wise to him. There are a lot of Sun readers and Sky News watchers out there so the fact that Murdoch is finally tired of him is his guaranteed death knell - I can't wait.
So, Spidie... What's next? Is this stubborn bastard gonna refuse to call an early general election, or is that idea gonna disappear faster than the EU referendum?
Brown will go, but the Boy David is just another Bliar clone.
Frying pan and fire spring to mind.
Brown will go when Mandelson has had enough of him - his position really is that weak.
I have to agree with Rab about the Cameron clone factor but he will hopefully be a better clone than Tony B. Liar or Obama - i.e. malfunctioning to the point of decency.
Let's face it, he couldn't be worse than the present shower of shit.
BTW I posted something you might find interesting regarding the EU. We've been thrown a lifeline by Count Franz Ludwig von Stauffenberg through the German Constitutional Court. We may yet owe him our freedom and for that I truly thank him. I also posted it on Voice of the Resistance and several other bloggers have picked up on it. Labour and the left wing media almost managed to completely bury it because of MJ's death, but the truth will out in the blogosphere. No wonder they hate us.
The only question is whether disgraced Brown will be replaced by some foolish stooge ( on 'Lord' Mandelsons orders ) before the Labour liars are forced to call an election in 11 months time.
The BBC should be sold off, might raise a few quid and keep UK plc afloat for a few more days.
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