
July 5, 2009

Wishful thinking? Potential disaster? America's leader?

Was her resignation, on a quiet Friday afternoon with America's MSM engrossed in the Michael Jackson fiasco, a giant blunder or a brilliant political move?

I've got a feeling that she felt like a sitting duck in Alaska. She was being swamped by Democrat legal armies. Legal fees have been astronomical. She's won every case, but the lawsuits and "public interest" investigations would certainly keep her tied up indefinitely.

I think she's fixin' to fight back. She's heading south to the lower 48. Will she run for the senate? Will she become a Fox News personality with a no-holds-barred pulpit for kicking back at the MSM? We all know what payback is.

I hope this is true. The Right needs a healthy set of huevos and, at this moment, Sarah seems to be the only Conservative sporting any. I could be wrong, I know. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Nick ... pace yourself on the posts. You're treating them like bowls of past ... just one after the other.

Sarah, I like her. Sure, we've learned how she's not the perfect candidate, like well, no one. She puts on the folksy a little too much, but actually I think she is pretty much like that. What I like about her is that she does have guts. I recognize it in a person.

I love the way she handled the Letterman deal. She was pissed, and it's hard to blame her. How many attacks on your kids can you take? And she just kept at it and put Letterman's in a vice grip. She made a comment about maybe they should keep Bristol away from Letterman, and the media was freaking. They asked if she went too far, and she said, "No. He can take it any way he wants." They backed down. Cowards always do.

Exactly. It's time to tell 'em what the deal is, and with a smile. No apologies for what we believe or who we are. Reagan didn't apologize. He wasn't a Bob Dole, either. He was winsome and magnetic ... and he had an agenda.

Palin is different but has some of this "it". She's tough, a point guard, she fishes, she has a kid in Iraq and another one with Downs, and she's dealt with media miscreants like no one else has. She can do what she wants.

Anonymous said...

That's bowls of "pasta" ... it's late here in the Middle East (south of Paris, Texas).

blessingsgoddess said...

The last thing America or the world needs is a woman with a gun over her shoulder !

Best wishes from the UK (and Greece).

Opus #6 said...

I see no problem with your post frequency. I try to pace my posts, but sometimes a topic has time-urgency to it, and cannot be put off until the next morning or evening. Also, the "big" blogs tend to post frequently, like Gateway Pundit, and our own BBCW. Brisk, growing blogs. Depends on how much energy and time you anticipate putting into blogging. This is your canvas. Paint away!

I personally like Sarah Palin. I liked her speech at the RNC. I don't mind her familiarity with firearms. Why is it that the prior commenter feels that women should not tote a rifle? The firearm is a great equalizer. Physically weak people, in particular, benefit from arming themselves. Besides, there have been great female leaders in history, and those ladies knew how to wield an army.
So to her, Palin would be more acceptable if she knew her place. Which is definitely NOT on the shooting range. I say what the world needs is less SEXISM and PREJUDICE. Are you listening, BG?

I have yet to be convinced, however, that Palin is presidential material for 2012. She is an amazing woman. But I'm not sold on her candidacy as of yet.

Wetzy said...

A woman with a gun doesn't bother me. The ability to field dress a moose and shoot wolves from a copter should be qualifications #1 and #2 for anybody taking on the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

DC, you're probably correct about the pace of the posts. I've had a wonderful weekend void of chores and obligations. I promise the pace will lessen dramatically at the beginning of the work week.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting, Goddess. (Eat your heart out, DC)

There's little wrong with an armed woman leader. Golda Meir used to pack a snappy Smith & Wesson .38 revolver tucked under her cardigan.

Anonymous said...

Opie, I share many of your concerns about Palin's abilities and potential. There's just something so intoxicating about a woman so loathed by the opposition.

Opus #6 said...

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I hear that.

I dunno. I'm still pining for Reagan.

Opus #6 said...

Anon, dip ship??? Methinks you must be referring to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Couric, thanks so much for your visit, but your language is a bit too ripe for this blog.

Sarah Palin is not a "dip shit". She's more like a vampire. No matter how many stakes the MSM drives into her political and personal heart, she just keeps moving forward. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Dust'n Lint said...

I hope to hell you're right !

Anonymous said...

So do I, Dusty.

Red said...

"'The last thing America or the world needs is a woman with a gun over her shoulder !"

Psssshht! Come and get 'em!

Anonycrass: Go eat a rotten pickle.

Nickie: Post away!

I'm taking a wait and see stance on Palin.

Anonymous said...

Red, Red, Red...

In the phrase "Go eat a rotton pickle" you may well have perfectly captured the appropriate response to fascist gun-control types.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Here's a video to see Nickie

Rhod said...

Testing my password, Nickie.

Coach Rut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Have I been away so long .... ? Nick, I gest re: the posts. Some of you folks need to loosen corsets and don't try to size Nick for one. He is much too big any way.

As for "pining away for Reagan", the G.C. is gone. Time to get over it and move forward. Palin has charisma that reminds a of lot us of him. But she is her own woman.

In the end, we waste our time and make our efforts futile if we look for a perfect candidate. Compared to Obama, McCain looks great right now. This last election reminded us that elections have consequences. There are alternatives.

Those who said "there isn't a dime's worth of difference", etc., I think it would be good to have Obama wreak havoc on the nation, etc. ... such people are morons.

Anne Lyken-Garner said...

What an enjoyable blog you have here. Thanks for following mine. I'm now following you too, and looking forward to reading some more of your posts.

Rhod said...

Anymous has some Oedipal or Electra issues, but don't they all.

LL said...

I think Palin did the courageous thing. She and her family need a break from the snakes in the State-Run Media.

CI-Roller Dude said...

Hey, it's not P.C. to pick on the mentally retarded...but I heard she's going bird hunting with Dick Cheney.
I really hope the Re-publikens' can come up with somebody with a higher IQ and world knowledge.
Did you know she thinks she can see Russia from her back yard?

LL said...

P. S. I rather like the shotgun over her shoulder. There's something sexy about a woman who can bring down a goose or a moose.

More women with guns rather than fewer!

Anonymous said...

Speaking frankly I don't like guns, and somehow I think that the two worst inventions of humanity really were: the gunpowder n "sometimes" romantic love.


Rhod said...

Man, is that Roller Dude an original guy, or what? All new material

Opus #6 said...

Rhod, Roller Dude is distinctly unoriginal. And confused. Tina Fey said that. Not Palin.

DC, First, thanks for the compliment. That you think I am wearing a corset after 6 kids makes my day. {fluffing my hair} Not sure what you mean about Nickie's corset. I'm not really into that sort of thing. Second, please don't make light of my grief. Pining is the way I choose to spend my time. It will be easier to get over it when I find somebody to replace him with. I'm on the prowl!

Anonymous said...

Annie, you are more than welcome here. Your blog is a source of reality for me. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Roller Dood,

Your comments here are invaluable. This one, in particular, reminds us all of the insidious and pervasive evil of the Mainstream Media.

We constantly need that reminder.

Anonymous said...

Marco, you're a wise man. Romantic love is potentially the most destructive and painful force of all.

Anonymous said...

LL, t'ain't nothin more liberating for women than babes packin' heat.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, Woodie. I'm posting that video this afternoon. Thanks for the lead.

Supergranny said...

Palin is hated and feared because she speaks truth...she's not an attorney...nor a politically correct my way of thinking that puts her miles ahead of MOST others..Repubs or Dems. Hard to do a proper governing job with a target on your back. Maybe she will continue to say what the ole goats are afraid to say!

Rhod said...

My opinion: Palin is hated by the left because she falls outside all their orthodoxies, and there's nothing more shattering to a leftist than a new challenge and a new paradigm.

Palin's an independent woman without the frigid,up-yours buffoonery of leftist feminism, she's a populist who suceeded without the raving endorsements of liberal elitists, she's attractive without being grossly erotic or the reverse, shockingly ugly; she has no classist or ethnic axes to grind, she hates no one (and there's no fuel more volatile in leftism than hatred), and she provides the stupid on the left with someone on whom to project their own stupidity. Roller Dude is confirmation of the last point.

She has more than what it takes to succeed as President, simply on the grounds that the office is currently held by a facile bonehead who proves the critical difference between education and learning, and the distinction between wisdom and sophistry.

Anonymous said...

Damn, Rhod. I'm all goose-pimples reading your stuff.

Anonymous said...


I'm so happy to have your wise counsel being offered here. Make this your home away from home.

Thank you.

Rhod said...

And by the way, consider the first comment by Anonymous. This is what passes for an apothegm for liberals - a misspelled scatalogical expression (with no more than seven hard can it be?) combined with a vulgarity about genitalia.

This is serious business - it's the slime that needs to be scraped off the body politic, and the only way to do that is by sound defeat and constant exposure. Remember, these cretins vote.

Rhod said...

Thanks, Nickie, but maybe you should have those goose pimples looked at.

Frances Davis said...

Nickie, I think that whatever anyone one else may think, we can be sure that there is no accident in the timing of Sarah Palin's announcement. And we can be certain she is not going quietly into the night. We will be seeing and hearing her again. I only hope we see her on the political front as a potential candidate and not just as a commentator.

As far as the frequency of your posts, write as often as the passion and time give you incentive. I love knowing there is somewhere I can go to read political viewpoints that aren't diametrically opposed to what I feel.

Northman said...

You've read my blog so I probably need not elaborate much on my opinion. I sincerely believe that the woman is about as smart as a sack full of hammers. I hope we never see her in politics again but I'm not very optimistic. I don't find her "folksiness" endearing in any way and I believe at least half of what comes out of her mouth is downright idiotic. Genuine or not, her lack of intelligence isn't what either party needs. She would not be a positive credit to the nation. Personally I did not vote this time because the choice of stupid leaning toward one side didn't outweigh the stupid toward the other. If not for Palin I would have voted for McCain as the lesser of two evils.

Northman said...

I love guns and our right to have them as much as the next guy but ability to wield a gun isn't a qualification for president in a man OR woman. Keep this woman and her hockey-bulldog-mom'edness away from the presidential office. Yeah she tries to stand up for herself but she does it in a way that the nerdy kid in school does. She says something even more retarded that makes her even more the butt of the joke in her attempt to fight back. Obama may be a pussy but it's because he's liberal, it's in his blood to bow, bend, and take it up the ass from anybody who wants to push us around. Palin's just simply not smart enough to realize she's a mental midget and a vote for her is just a vote for a continuation down the road to destruction and the U.S. becoming a bigger laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

Frances, this may be love. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Dillinger, we may not agree on our view of Palin, but I must say how much I appreciate your straightforward and impassioned argument against a Palin presidential candidacy.

Your opinion, while possibly wrong, is not a personal smearing of an individual nor ridicule of her lifestyle or parenting. It's a pretty fair airing of your opinion. Thank you for bringing it here!

Northman said...

I must say I wouldn't have given me so much credit for not attacking her but I'll take it. My concern usually shows in the form of very passionate (not very nice) arguments. I couldn't care less about her family situation to be honest. I don't care what politicians do in their spare time, I care only how they run whatever it is we voted for them to run. I don't care if they cheat on their spouses or sleep with hookers or have a wank on the family dog. All of that is irrelevant, it's between them and their families and not my business. My concern is with politics is 100% what is going to be positive and negative for the nation as a whole and not subjective family or morality issues. I commend you sir for not simply attacking me back (though I suspected you yourself would not). Everybody is entitled to his or her own opinion and I love a good debate. Right or wrong, time shall tell, it's the consequences that concern me no matter the means of reaching them.

Anonymous said...

We agree totally on that. The issues we are told to consider in our choice of political employees are too often issues that'll play well for the media.

I feel angry and humiliated by the quality of the "news" outlets in this country. Thank God for radio and the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Having a retarded baby is not smart and it isn't good for the babies life. She would do the same thing when she was the president.

Rhod said...

While I try to stand with people I generally agree with, Dillinger, send up a flare when you make a lucid point.

Palin can't be explained or categorized by the stupidity you see in her any more than your generalizations about liberal cowardice explains Obama or, for that matter, liberalism itself. These are impressions. What do you want in their place,and what do you want in a President?

Do you want an intellectual? We had that with Wilson, TR, Hoover, FDR, an intellectual's masquerade with JFK, the wicked, anal and brainy Jimmy Carter; a bunch of challengers of the same type with the techo-weanie Dukakis and the driveling nitwit Kerry (probably the dumbest man in public office)and a slew of dullards like Gore and Edwards running for office.

Then we had evil schemers like LBJ and Clinton, the effeminate Bush I and his hair-shirted son who thought the Presidency was his personal trial in the wilderness. He gave the freaking country away to show his generosity.

WTF? All of them would have to REACH to achieve mediocrity, which is why idealogues employ historians to build temples to these assholes out of pure bullshit.

I don't see these complexities with Palin. She's what she is.

Rhod said...

Anonymous, why not? It worked with you.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, nice one!



I think you have now reached the depths and the lowest reaches of political debate.

I now understand why you choose to remain anonymous in your life. I support your decision.

Rhod said...

Thanks, Nickie. That's what she said.

At any rate, Anonymous represents a gigantic slab of leftist thinking. It contains a lot of pictures.

Northman said...

An "intellectual" is not always a positive choice either. There must be a positive balance of a little bit of everything and that's clear. I'm not going to try to pick and choose examples from past presidents because the times were different then. We need a proactive thinker. We need somebody who can and will use reason based on the times. We need a president who crosses the lines and leans left on some issues while leaning right on others. Parties are not a positive institution in this day and age, they are a gangrene leg that needs cut off. The president must be have the correct lean and the correct amounts as well. Too far left or too far right can never work because they're great for some and a disaster for others. You can't make everybody happy I know but you can do a lot better job than any so far have. What I don't want is a president who is highly religious and thinks that for that reason everybody should be just as highly religious. One who votes for things like censorship. What I don't want is somebody who's so far left that they say since they aren't religious that nobody (even ones who use it solely for their own life) can have it. I don't want a president who takes every environmental issue and runs with it no matter how ludicrous. I don't buy the bullshit that global warming is our fault and the biggest offenders won't join anyhow. Moderation is key. I don't want free handouts for everybody with a hand out. If you want paid you work for it or I don't have any problem watching you starve to death. On the other hand there aren't enough jobs... we could create those. On war... I don't want to send our men and women to die to free people who won't free themselves. Iraqis can't clean out their own corruption and stand up on their own too feet so fuck them. On that same note I want a president who will stand up and smack somebody to the ground when necessary. Kim Jong Il for example. He doesn't want dialogue he wants to fuck around and he needs a couple missiles planted in his back yard. I want a president who will not only go to war when necessary but will do what is necessary to win.

Northman said...

I want a president who gives respect and demands respect when necessary. Our "shock and awe" was a joke. We could have shocked and awed and we could have won in a week, cleaned that shit out and been gone. War is war, it's not nice. Collateral damage happens and I want a president who will do what needs to be done instead of diddling himself while our men and women act as real life targets in a political game. I want a president with both intelligence and common sense. I want a president who gives an appropriate gift to a valuable ally when they give him one, instead of giving the equivalent of a pompous slap in the face. I want a president who isn't corrupt and who's not a liar spinning words. I want a president who can sound semi intelligent without a teleprompter, one who knows his issues without having them fed to him. I want a president who isn't pushing agendas for one side or the other but who is looking out for our constitution and the rights of our country and all people left and right. To be honest with you I know that will never happen. Democracy as it is will never work, at least not sufficiently. The American people (in the words of Alexander Hamilton) are a great beast and to some extent they need to be told what is best for them. I'm not saying a dictatorship or communism or socialism, those don't work either. The media is partly at fault for the shit they feed us. What we need to know they keep from us. What we don't need to know they shove down our throats and pretend it matters. Our government as a whole is a farce, a joke. It's not solely the president but the institution as a whole that needs cleaned up. The only way the institution will ever get the cleaning it needs is if society wakes up, gets educated, and looks at the bigger picture. Settling for the moronic puppets they feed us as choices and choosing the lesser evil is never going to get us anywhere except at the bottom of the shitter with the rest of turds. Running a country is no different than running a corporation and the corporations in this country as of late are a damn good indicator of the direction the country is going. We're letting people in who are giving bonuses for failure and trying to horde as much as possible before they get ousted.

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the impression that you'd like a combination of Paladin and Sam Spade.

I'd like a lot of things from a President too, but I'd probably settle for a Harry Truman. As far as I can see, Sarah may be the only Truman on the horizon.

These are strange days. A socialist President is moving unopposed to fill a shopping list of leftist dreams. And not one Republican has put his head up above water for fear of having it removed.

Sarah will probably be the first one to attempt a body block on Obama. If she chooses to pick up the standard and successfully finds the pulse of a stunned electorate, the babe will probably have my vote until she loses it.

Northman said...

If you give me an issue I'll give you the solution. What I'm saying is that our system is wrong. What I'm saying is that I do look at the bigger picture and I do believe it can be fixed and that I've got ideas how to do that. I'm not saying I'm a brilliant economist or that I want to lead a revolution. I read voraciously and I formulate these opinions based on a healthy variety of sources and outcomes. I'm not even telling you that I'm right. My issue is that there are great leaders out there, there are intelligent people who could do the job. Because of the nature of politics, these people are not involved. We need to hold politicians accountable for what REALLY matters and ignore the things that don't. We, the people, are the ones who must demand change. Accepting and choosing between the same old idiots whether they be left or right is a failure on our part. As long as we're eating it, they'll keep throwing us the shit. The shit who will push their agendas. Listening to Palin, I simply see her as a small town mom. She doesn't have the ability to see the bigger picture. She has agendas toward some of the correct, and too many of the incorrect issues. She's not worldly or educated enough in global, social issues. She's inarticulate to the point where she's called "folksy" and that's just a nice way of saying "hick". I just don't feel that she has what it takes to be the person we need.

Northman said...

Haha, you may not be so far off in that assumption. I've been called a "radical"... go figure. We simply need a change and nobody I see entering the arena is offering that change. At least not in any form other than a lame catch phrase disguising wasteful socialist agendas. It's up to us to stand up, educate ourselves, and say "That's enough! This is what we want and we're accepting nothing less."

Anonymous said...

Dillinger, there you have the voice of the opposition... emotional beings with limited logic. And we lost to these people? Stop me from opening a vein.

Northman said...

And again, you and I are in complete agreement. I like the animals and what not but there are more important things with which to concern ourselves first.

Snarky Basterd said...

Hey, Nickie...I think she knows just what the hell she's doing. Let the MSM speculate...because if Obugger doesn't give them the questions, they really don't know what to ask. She'll be fine...and I'll bet Obugger's squirming at the thought of it.

Anonymous said...

Doc, I think you're right. The Democrat movers and shakers figured they had her battered and cowering in Alaska. Oops!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rev. Your taste in music is unchallenged.


Lisa Graas said...

Palin grassroots supporters, please vote in our poll regarding Sarah Palin's resignation.

Jennifer said...

We desperately need Sarah Palin and people like her as elected leaders in America. She is strong, honest, and isn't afraid to break the mold.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I'll be right there. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer, she certainly has broken the mold. No debate there.

Gramma 2 Many said...

I pray she is getting ready to fight back and fight back with all of her might. Without McCain this time!!! She does not neeed to be propped up by anybody else.
By the way, thank you for finding me. I love reading others who share my feelings and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

My pleasure, Grammy!

Teresa said...

I don't see any problem with the frequency of your posting. I love and admire Sarah Palin because she is not afraid of speaking her mind. She is not afraid of taking on the liberals and MSM. She has fought against corruption both against Democrats and Republicans. She mostly reminds me of Ronald Reagan. I love the fact that she wields a gun over her shoulder and loves to hunt. Maybe she needs to hunt some blue meat? I hope she kicks some A against the MSM and all the Libs who have attacked both her and her family. There has been no other person in history that has been so vociferously attacked like her. She has inspired me, even in wanting to enter politics. Go Sarah Palin and kick some Lib butt!!!

Kathleen... said...

I hope she's gearing up to come back in another venue....stronger and even more determined than before. She's not a typical politician and, therefore, a powerful contender for the future. I fear, however, that she's had enough of the pure crap dished out to the atypical civil servant and exiting out to experience life without the poison of The Machine interfering...

Anonymous said...

Teresa, I adore your spirit. I share your hope for Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Obie, I suspect there's a few scores for her to settle before she's finished.

Teresa said...

Thanks for the compliment.