
December 17, 2009

South Korean Opposition to Republicans: You are Weenies.

Hey, could you pass me that credenza to put in front of D. Harry's office? Thanks. And make sure those 12 chairs are stacked up in front of Sanders' hole. Good work.


sig94 said...

Nothing like a legislative scrum to put a bill in play.

Anonymous said...

... or keep it penned up.

Praise the Lord and pass the ol' credenza.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has now lived in Korea a year and a half, I feel qualified to say, this place is weird. Let's count the reasons why:

1. No private firearm ownership.
2. Half the population lives in one city, which happens to be within shelling range or their insane enemy to the north.
3. Everyone lives in apartments in crowded cities. There is plenty of room to build houses in the country but they don't.
4. The internet restriction are overwhelming. I can not even respond to comments on my own You Tube videos.
5. Cameras everywhere.

Kid said...

I've ALWAYS said bipartisan was my least favorite word.

People ought to be kicking ass in Congress.

If I were there and harry reid was explaining how he was going to screw each and every American, I would put him in the hospital for 6 weeks minimum.
And hope my replacement would do the same.

Velcro said...

I thought it was an SEIU convention!

Opus #6 said...

Praying for gridlock.

Anonymous said...

Yes, beautiful gridlock ...

We taught the S. Koreans democracy. Remember that. Things are getting pretty testy in the Senate. I think McCain is about ready to throw.

They are shooting for a Christmas Eve vote.

Oh, what I would give to be reading Christmas carols and participating in a filibuster at that time.

calendula said...

un pacifico scambio di opinioni....

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Great idea DC, let's do it here.

WomanHonorThyself said...

then again who are we to judge as all the hippies say....ack!
wer'e expecting snow this weekend woohoo!!!!

sig94 said...

Instead of passing any further legislation, I think the House and Senate should play naked rollerball field hockey while on fire and Pelosi and Reid roll up each individual page of their 2,451,560,332 page health care control act and pound it up each others...

sanjeet said...

Praise the Lord and pass the ol' credenza.

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