
March 23, 2010

Vote with your dollars

Mossberg 500 Persuader Shotgun

12 Gauge

$295 at your local Sporting Goods store.


Wetzy said...

I bought a Remington 870 two weeks ago.

Wetzy said...

That is my vote.

Rhod said...

I like the old M-79, too. Walnut stock, shoots 40MM grenade and a good scattershot round for those moments when you need to clear the brush to park your car.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, I'm guessing you actually hitch-hiked up to Springfield to buy it.

Anonymous said...

Wetz... nice choice. Vote counted.

RightKlik said...

Awesome. Good price. Thanks for the tip!

Chris W said...

Thanks for the tip. I'll need to keep my eye open at the next show.

Government Mess said...

Keep up the good fight my friend, the American People need you! I am fighting along your side all the way to victory in 2010 and 2012!

Anonymous said...

Kilk... What is the price of Freedom?

Anonymous said...

Chris, it's a little beauty. We must all be prepared for the actions of mean people.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Messy...

Any victories will be ugly and hard-fought (Chicago-style).

Soloman said...

I've been considering a Mossberg 500 for quite some time.

That's a mighty nice price. I just might have to get myself a nice Easter gift...

WomanHonorThyself said...


Anonymous said...

Sol, as usual, you'll make a wise decision. Consider it a vote on ObamaCare.

Anonymous said...

Woman... The idea of you packing heat will have me sleeping uneasily tonight.

Rhod said...

Nick, these days you need an M-79 in Springfield.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Your wrong on this one Nickie. Mossberg makes some of the worst shotguns ever. I bought one a few years back, the thing jammed half the time. It's very frustrating when your hunting pheasants to use a Mossberg. I recommend a Remington.
The Navy uses the stupid Mossberg too, I hate it.

Barco Sin Vela II said...

I got one of those Mossberg's a few months back and a Ruger .30 lever action rifle. Back ups are Smith and Wesson .357 and Ruger .380.

My back ground music for these weapons is the Ramones' "Scattergun", a song about a Mossberg shotgun and dealing with lawlessness.

The revolution will not be televised, I hear.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

I've been voting a lot with my wallet lately ....

Hoping the Blind Will See said...

That or a Mossberg SPX - more expensive but holds 9 shells!

Anonymous said...

Tres, we've has this discussion before. Buyer beware. There is a big difference between A MOSSBERG and that MOSSBERN pig iron monstrosity you bought. I know how you feel because my first purchase was a Flemington.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Barco. Vote early and often.

Anonymous said...

Woody, I knew you'd support the effort.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Got my own Remington 870 with speed-feed, extended magazine tube, sling, ball sight, composite stock and forestock. Nothing like an 870. Built like a rock.

Nickie: can you see me? I'm waving to you over the Bear River, there in Nevada City. See me over near Crystal Springs?


Anonymous said...

OK, Zepp... Are we talkin' Dutch Flat - Crystal Springs?