
March 21, 2010

What happens when Chicago thuggery meets Marxism? You are witnessing it.

Good-bye sweet America.

As we watch the Democrats' cheer their plan for the destruction of Capitalism, remember this...

- Putin has just finished butt-f**king our inept Secretary of State. He's pleased with our descent into suicide.

- Israel is searching the planet for an ally. Obama has recently signaled his willingness to plant US troops in Israel in order to form and defend a Palestinian terrorist state.

- The Tea Party has whined and stomped, but not one traitor was hanged, not one building was burned, not one Marxist elected official was branded with an ear-to-ear slice. The nation was murdered to the sound of whimpers, not bangs.

- Around the world, every one of America's enemies can celebrate knowing that they have a friend in the White House. Who will pay for the massive crippling deficits? The military. But, rest assured that the Unions will be just fine.

I want to vomit.

On this day when I've witnessed the rape of the Constitution and the belittling of patriotism, I thank God for men like Rhod. I apologize to Rhod and all the heroes who fought, sacrificed and died to maintain this experiment in God-given liberty. It fell through my fingers. I lost it on my watch. May God forgive all of us for what is to come.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Chris W said...

Samuel Adams said it best

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and designing men.

Today we bear that mark of infamy if this bill passes.

Anonymous said...

I feel it, too, my brother. We've got to be sharper and more shrewd.

Three or four more Republicans in the House (that's about all it would have taken) and we could have stopped this. Makes me sick.

Rhod said...

Nickie: Why I, we, they, everyone who went away to fight - in any capacity and in any uniform, was explained this way by Mark Halperin (not Mark Helprin):

He wrote, (in some publication I can no longer remember) that during the Vietnam War, he adopted the standard, rote leftist line about American imperialism, aggression, conscription of the underclass; that crap.

He joined the Merchant Marine to avoid the draft. On a Pacific voyage his freighter passed an American troop ship which was steaming east to South East Asia.

The mostly British crew of Halperin's Merchant freighter went to the ship's rails to cheer the Americans. Halperin scowled and explained to one young Brit nearby why the war was so wrong, and why he, Halperin, wouldn't cheer the American soldiers aboard the troop ship.

The Brit seaman was appalled and disgusted, and he yelled in Halperin's face "But those are your mates!"

Halperin wrote that those four words destroyed his own facile rationalizations and dug deeply into his character. You go because those are your mates. That has nothing to do with politics, and Nickie Goomba does the same thing every day.

Maria said...

I want to live in Rep. Paul Ryan's district.

TickedMD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RightKlik said...


The sleeping giant woke up too late.

Timeshare Jake said...

I didn't see one pitchfork in the crowds. They know we aren't going to take arms up against them and that's just sad.

Krystal said...

There are over twenty states, Florida leading the way, in a lawsuit against the Federal Government.

Four states are in the process of passing amendments to their State Constitutions exempting their citizens from this monstrosity. Several others are putting an amendment together.

Do NOT loose faith in the American people! We may be looking at another War Between the States, not necessarily the end of our country.

The Right Guy said...

We have no Samuel Adams of our day. We are screwed. There is no precedent to overturn this, and the GOP is not the answer. Of course Mr. Pototao head will co-opt the tea party to get one more election cycle for team elephant, but nothing will be done by the right side of our one party system. Feckless, and we deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you I want to puke.
I will do every thing in my power to help repeal this.And defeat DemocRats.

Susan Liles said...

A very sad day for America. I'm sick to my stomach too. Maybe after all that "fog" lifts as Pelosi said, then we'll see what is really in the bill and hope all the stupid people wake-up. Course that will never happen.

Anonymous said...

descent not dissent. It grates in an otherwise good and heartfelt post.

Fuzzy Slippers said...

So what's next Nickie? Amnesty, Cap and Tax . . . this was the first of their victories. And we have only ourselves to blame, should we have been more forceful, somehow taken back our government by force? A bunch of middle-aged and elderly folks who are more comfortable on a couch than in a foxhole against the U. S. military, still the best in the world (before it loses its funding, training, manpower, and arms, that is)?

Hoping the Blind Will See said...

Nickie, great post! Exactly what I feel. Well stated!

Do not lose heart my friends! The time for arms is still a ways away. There are still other avenues in front of us that must be explored before the storm hits. But rest assured, there are millions upon millions of Americans who will take up arms to save the Constitition if and when the time comes. In the meantime, do all you can do to persuade one more mind, and to elect one more non-progressive that will band with those currently in office to repeal this bill. Americans are angry that this governement has become one of the few, by the few, for the few. And socialism will not be allowed to stand. It must not be allowed to stand!

There will be a storm at some point. The big question is... when? And the answer is, after we've exhausted all other avenues. Stay vigilant! Stay engaged! Continue the good fight!

God Bless America, and God Bless Us All!

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Oh! Thank you, HtBWS! I feel better already. You're right we have other avenues, and we will do whatever we must to protect and preserve our beloved nation. Yay!

Unknown said...

Let’s keep our focus on the multitude of lawsuits that will surely forestall the implementation of this monstrosity, as well as the senate’s actions for reconciliation. As depressing as yesterday evening was, this war is not over. This former submariner still believes that there is a torpedo running silent and deep that come to the surface to explode this health care threat.

Starsplash said...

This won't cover me. Must still be a crack in the system and I know exactly where it is. It is call if you don't have Mr green(money) then they can't do anything for you and I would be GDmmd if I went down to welfare to get coverage so they can stick this right up their ass.

Starsplash said...

I will be happy to keep you all informed how it goes.

I love being Right said...

I'm actually sick to my stomach and they are patting each other on the back.

T. F. Stern said...

In the Book of Mormon there's a part which covers how many of us feel today after having watched liberty take such a beating. Go to Helaman Chapter 7 starting with verse 4-9

Here's a link if you like:

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Nickie we tried, but the takers wouldn't have any part of it.

Kid said...

Poetry and Accurate to the Letter.

PS - I almost feel sorry for Putin.

sig94 said...

What ever gave us the idea that this is over? Are we so frail of heart that we will give up and retreat into murmurs and accusations?

This is an excellent link:

about a situation that America found itself in over 150 years ago. The issue was slavery. See how Americans reacted (creation of the Republican Party from the ashes of the Whigs) before you throw in the towel and cede victory to godless socialist democrats.

Read it!

Anonymous said...

You're right, Siggie.

sig94 said...

Damn straight Nickie. I'm just as stinkin blind pissed off as DC or Rhod or Odie but screw this defeatism crap. This shit ain't over. Let's man up and start packing brass knuckles for the next fight.

Hope everything is going well with your new avocation.

Klark Kint said...

We are not finished. . .it is NOT over! Look inside yourself...what do you see?

You do not see a citizen born of an oppressed nation, you do not see a citizen who breathes the air of slavery each day...WE ARE FREE! WE ARE AMERICANS! WE CAN AND WILL DO THIS! We must never, never give up!

We cannot let one victory against us cause us to shake our heads in unbelief and drop our cherished flag to the ground.

Brothers, sisters.. .Stand tall, stand proud, we bear the stars and stripes for which citizens have fought and died for centuries. Let us continue to fight their fight for freedom, for our Constitution and let us be certain of one thing. We will never stop. They cannot push us all aside, they cannot turn a deaf ear forever. We hold the power of the ballot. Speak up, teach your fellow man and prepare for what will come in 224 days. . .REJECTION DAY!!

Susannah said...

God in heaven, help us!

Sig, thanks for the link. I'll go read now.

Stand tall, friends. We are here, 'for such a time as this.' We all need each other.