
April 5, 2010

Is there something about Lefties??

And, of course...


Opus #6 said...

I saw this on Twitter. He looks like a limp-wristed girlie man to me.

Wetzy said...

An insult to girlies everywhere.

Unknown said...

Does the walking carpet have a decent curveball?

sig94 said...

Obunghole looks more comfortable throwing the first fetus into the medical waste bin at opening day of a new abortion clinic.

Slick Willie is best when throwing a dress into the pile going out for dry cleaning.

Michelle O. is the only one who looks like she knows how to throw that pill. She forgot to wear her flea collar though.

I love being Right said...

When I saw this today I couldn't help but think of video of the last time Obama thru out a pitch and how it was compared to W. So embarrassing for would think he would either a)practice! or b) refuse to make a fool out of himself again!

Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Hussein makes me feel proud to me an American. Imagine him tossing a grenade.

Velcro said...

Its why they have deep-seated complexes. They couldn't compete, so they naturally turned to total global domination.

hymns that preach said...

Hey, ease up on "lefties." I'm left-handed but I'm always right; sometimes wrong.

Snarky Basterd said...

W: "If I was going to throw out the ball I was able to do so with a little zip; I didn't want people to think their president was incapable of finding the plate."

Contrast that with the throw from President Puss today.

Damn, I miss the time when we had men for president's in this country.

Quite Rightly said...

Yep, this guy doesn't have enough respect for Americans to care what we think. Personally, I'm embarrassed.

Linked at Bread upon the Waters.

Soloman said...

Being left-handed, I can tell you unequivocally that it's not a lefties thing, it's a leftists thing.

Chris W said...

Hey now, I'm a lefty too and I can throw like a guy.

I'll tell you this, if he pulled a stunt like he did with the White Sox hat in a place like Boston, NY or Philly, there wouldn't be enough security to keep the fans from rushing the field.

That was low class and disrespectful to the home team and their fans.

Anonymous said...

President Puss, indeed.

To throw the baseball in such a pathetic manner just shows that he was one of those kids never picked for any teams growing up. It's truly sad.

Then again, as a baseball guy, I view this as more evidence of the virtuousness of the sport ... ever exposing charlatans and frauds everywhere.

Teresa said...

Obama definitely throws like a girly man. Well, ya know, he didn't learn how to throw a baseball while residing in Kenya. He throws like a foreigner.

Kid said...

The worst part of clinton and obama is not the lack of ability, but the obvious - they didn't even bother practicing. If they did, they'd have had something halfway respectable.

They don't care, and it shows their total lack of respect for everyone else in this country. That's the key, it shows their total lack of respect.

If I was pres, and I couldn't do it, I'd hire a coach and I'd do it because that represents America.

One time, Joe DiMaggio hit a no brainer out to the inflield but ran like hell to First Base.
When asked why he put everything he had into it, he said "Somewhere up there in the stands is a young man watching baseball for the first time, and I want him to know how the game is played".

Obama, you insult me. You insult all of us.

JihadGene said...

The video is so very good looong time of President Bush...unlike our blue-collar-ball-boy Obama of CoMENski park.