Reports from America:Japan: Reactor "relatively stable" after hosing
Reports: After 7-hour water-pumping operation, temperatures at Fukushima nuke plant reactors lower than initially fearedIn the ongoing battle to prevent meltdown, there may be signs of hope after a seven-hour operation by Japan's Self Defense Force to spray the damaged Unit 3 reactor at Fukushima Dai-ichi with over 40,000 gallons of water.
USA: Citizens Incensed By Two Years Of Hosing by the Obama Administration
Reports: After years of pumping good money after bad down the crapper, the electorates' temperature throughout the Country is much higher than originally feared.In the ongoing battle to prevent complete financial meltdown. there may be signs of hope after the Republican controlled Congress agreed to reduce the national debt, spraying cold water on Democrats' plans for more deficit spending.
Not advised: Crouching in duck and cover mode affords a target of opportunity for Obama's beefed-up IRS.
If Democrats are worried about a heating up of the American electorate, They'll be overwhelmed when the fallout appears.
Obama wishes his presidency were "relatively stable". That would be eight steps up from the reality.
I still say we're all screwed no matter what goes down.
I don't feel hosed, I feel pole'd.
Rhod - Right. Keep moving.
Zio - I wonder what they'll be spraying in order to control it?
Vicar - Obama also wishes for a pony and a date with Rhianna.
Lone - go down swinging.
Kid - and I bet you don't feel loved either. At least you don't feel those Wookie legs against you at night.
Well, there ya go Sig, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for.
Kid - I just live to spread happiness and understanding.
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