The CIA sends a memo to its employees warning them not to leak anything about the Osama Bin Laden action to the press. And the memo is then promptly leaked.
WASHINGTON — CIA director Leon Panetta is warning his employees that leakers will be investigated and possibly prosecuted after a flurry of reports in the media about the technology and methods used to track and ultimately kill Osama bin Laden.
In a memo obtained by The Associated Press, Panetta told staff Wednesday that the disclosure of classified information to anyone not cleared for it — reporters, friends, colleagues in other agencies or former CIA officers — can endanger lives.
Some CIA "leakers" need to be doing long jail terms.
"Copyright 2011 The Associated Press" Oops.
WoFat - some peeps just can't keep their mouths shut.
banned - Hmmm?
Don't you have an "Official Secrets Act" which sort of bars Government employees from revealing stuff and which would apply especially to the security services?
banned - we certainly do. They use it to scare sailors into never talking about driving submarines into Russian ports and taking pictures. In the final analysis, I guess it depends on who is doing the prosecuting though.
Nice Beaver !
Kid - Knew you'd like it!
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