The above photos show Bibi and Obama in their early twenties. While Bibi Netanyahu was serving his beloved country, Obama - by his own admission - was getting stoned and snorting cocaine. From Newsbusters:
Contrary to what NBC's David Gregory said Friday, U.S. News & World Report editor Mort Zuckerman believes that in the wake of President Obama's Mideast speech, "The Israelis do not feel they have the Americans at their back for the first time since the founding of the state of Israel."Gee, I wonder why.
This video is terrific. People need to know why BHO's comments last week were so absurd, offensive & dangerous. I'd like to post it, & link back to you.
Thanks, Sig94.
Excellent and informative video Sig, it might be a good idea for Obama to view this.
The boy President meet a man last week. One could only hope he learned from the experience ... but I doubt it.
We need to replace this man child president in 2012
Susannah - two of my daughters have spent time in Israel. Take away Judea and Samaria and there isn't much left. This is what makes Obooboo's suggestion so bad - it's like he is completely clueless about Israel's geopolitical situation. Or completely evil.
Chris - I imaginf Obooboo knows it now. Someone had to hit him with the Shovel O'Troot.
Odie - he probably went to his room and sulked. That's what kids do after getting spanked.
FuzzyD - too bad it's that far away.
Do you mean to suggest that Obama is no longer getting stoned and doing cocaine?
LL - Heavens forbid! I don't want to start rumors!
President stoner rides again.
WoFat - I'd love to do a complete forensic workup on the White House once all that trash leaves.
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