
May 14, 2013

All The President's Men - The Media

H/T to my buddy Bill


Anam Cara said...


WoFat said...

I suggest some contemplate leaping from a tall building in a single bound.

sig94 said...

Doom - Advocacy journalism at its finest.

sig94 said...

Anam - nice for them, not so nice for everyone else, no?

sig94 said...

WoFat - like lemmings, take out the whole lot of them.

Unknown said...

Good point, I certainly noticed the liberal media isn't reporting on the IRS, AP or Benghazi issues, they are completely ignoring them.

Oh, wait. . . that's not true at all, they ARE reporting on them, just like they reported on Solyndra and Fast and Furious and Obama's birth certificate, just like they report on anything they think will get them ad revenue, be it Watergate, Abscam, Whitewater, Monica Lewinksy, the Kardashians, Justin Beiber, etc etc etc.

Conservatives live in a perpetual state of victimhood. I guess what you really want is not reporting of facts, but rash speculation and insinuation, and flat out lies disguised as opinion.