
February 25, 2014

Obama Stabbing Vets In The Back

In Los Angeles the Veterans Administration has destroyed countless requests for assistance in order to reduce its backlog. Lord only knows how many vets suffered physical harm because of this.
Employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) destroyed veterans’ medical files in a systematic attempt to eliminate backlogged veteran medical exam requests, a former VA employee told The Daily Caller.

Audio of an internal VA meeting obtained by The DC confirms that VA officials in Los Angeles intentionally canceled backlogged patient exam requests.

“The committee was called System Redesign and the purpose of the meeting was to figure out ways to correct the department’s efficiency. And one of the issues at the time was the backlog,” Oliver Mitchell, a Marine veteran and former patient services assistant in the VA Greater Los Angeles Medical Center...
Of course illegals are pouring across the border in order to obtain free healthcare while our vets are left twisting in the wind.

Story here.


Kid said...


WoFat said...

Does FOX have this info?

sig94 said...

WoFat - I really don't know. There is so much evil in this administration that it is getting hard to keep track of it. It's like counting turds in a cesspool.

sig94 said...

Kid - I think we are becoming callused, desensitized to what is happening to our nation. It's like, oh well, another lash... Please sir, may I have another?