
August 24, 2016

More Email Tomfoolery

From now on when my kids email me, I'm going to tell them to use my alternate email addy -

Seriously, what mother tells her daughter to use a covert email addresses to correspond with her?

Why our paranoid Democratic Presidential candidate ... who else? And at this point what difference does it make?
Wikileaks: 67 Emails Between Hillary and Chelsea Clinton under HER FAKE NAME “Diane Reynolds”

Wikileaks found 67 emails between Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea under her fake name–
–At least one was during a foreign policy meeting
— Another was on September 11, 2012 during the Benghazi terror attack!

Wikileaks discovered 67 emails between Hillary Clinton and “Diane Reynolds” who we now know to be her daughter Chelsea.

67 emails between Hillary & Chelsea Clinton under the latter's covert name 'Diane Reynolds'

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 24, 2016

In one email Hillary tells Chelsea (Diane) she is sitting in a meeting on Libya waiting for “the other shoe to drop.”
Story at Gateway Pundit

You can read the emails here.

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