
September 28, 2009

Don’t Close Gitmo

Judith Miller of City Journal: "We will need detention centers as long as the War on Terror lasts."
In fact, obesity is increasingly a problem, says Gitmo’s chief physician, a reservist who volunteered for this six-month assignment and found the “professional and compassionate” medical care offered here stunning. The detainees make roughly 7,800 visits per year to receive state-of-the-art medical care. That includes colonoscopies for “age-appropriate” detainees, 25 of which have been performed so far.
It’s been a busy summer at the detention center at the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base. The joint task force in charge of the 226 remaining detainees—they are never called “prisoners”—is spending about $440,000 to expand the recreation yards at Camp 6, a medium-security facility. At nearby Camp 4, which offers communal living for the most “compliant” captives, the soccer yard is being enlarged. At Camp 5, a maximum-security facility, another new, $73,000 classroom is under construction, and satellite TV cables have just been installed. In March, Joint Task Force Guantánamo added art classes to the thrice-weekly instruction it offers in Arabic, Pashtu, and English. And the estimated 16 detainees who have been cleared for release as soon as Washington can find countries willing to accept them have just received training on new laptop computers, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.

Though President Obama vowed on his second day in office to close the detention center within a year—the January 22 deadline is now less than five months away—Gitmo’s officers say they intend to continue spending previously budgeted funds to improve life at the center until the last detainee leaves. “It’s business as usual around here,” the task force’s deputy commander, Brigadier General Rafael O’Ferrall, told me two weeks ago during one of the weekly tours that Gitmo offers journalists, legislators, military and other officials, human-rights groups, and other “distinguished visitors,” more than 1,800 of whom visited last year.

The point of the tour is to show that Gitmo, which President Obama called a “stain” on America’s reputation, has become a model, if somewhat surreal, detention center. But another message is implicit in the barrage of statistics about the services and amenities being offered to such ostensibly dangerous people: closing Gitmo, now that it has been transformed into a first-class detention facility, is a largely empty political gesture that makes little sense for either the detainees or tax-paying Americans.

My hosts would never dare publicly challenge their commander-in-chief’s orders. But they clearly believe that Gitmo no longer deserves to be seen as a symbol of human-rights abuses. “This place is synonymous with military abuse and it’s just not fair,” says Rear Admiral Thomas H. Copeman III, the task force’s commander, who took charge only two months ago. “In the last five and a half years, there has not been a single substantiated allegation of abuse.”



JihadGene said...

Obama's word is no good so I'm not sure when he will do this. But if it's something messed up he will do it.
Side note: If you can eat at ANY Chili's restaurant "today only"...100% of the profits go to St Jude Children's Research Hospital

Anonymous said...

ST. Jude's is a knock-out organization. I hope they do well on the ribs.

My personal favorite charity is Shriners Hospital for Children.

Teresa said...

Awe, gosh dangit. There gonna close my favorite place, Club Gitmo. Sounds like quite a serene place, and Obama wants to screw that up. Obama seems to manage screwing everything up these days.

This a good place for terrorists to be, and they should stay there.

Rhod said...

One of my sons spent a year "escorting" detainees from Afghanistan to Gitmo. The abuse at Gitmo was against the GI's, with body waste thrown on them from the cells, and constant harrassment from the Third World scum incarcerated there.

They were the worst of the worst - unimaginably bad - including the Aussie David Hicks. I thought then, and think now, they should have been "repatriated" (after intel) to the hell holes that produced them, or simply killed on the battlefield in the engagements where they were taken.

A nation that provides this level of service to psychopaths has lost its way, and confused the entire issue its value as a detention facility.

Anonymous said...

Terri, I disagree. I think we should have a detainee camp right outside of Juneau. Having a prison camp in the Caribbean bugs the heck out of me.

Anonymous said...

"Killed on the battlefield"

Now, Rhod, there's a concept that's clearly unenlightened and probably racist.

Teresa said...

I agree with Rhod. If the CIA aren't allowed to use enhanced interrogation techniques in order to gain information to prevent another attack, and they might even be prosecuted for it, hell with all that nonsense. I vote for killing for preventative purposes. Plus, thinking of the added cost benefit?

CI-Roller Dude said...

I do have a few opinions on this topic....keep in mind, I only did "Mess Kit Repair" in Iraq:
1.) Never let them be housed inside the US- that may legally allow them to have the same rights as US citizens...that's not good.
2.) The detainees I "chatted" with in Iraq told me that they had better medical treatment from the US military, than they have ever had.
3.) If you kill all the bad guys, you can't get any intel. It may feel better and bring joy to our hearts, but, those of us in "MKR" need to have some folks to talk to. Wounding a little bit until the give up is good'er.
4.) Don't confuse "revenge" with interrogation.

Keep them honest, stir up the shit.

Teresa said...

CI-Roller Dude,
I agree in principle as I know we need to gain intel from the detainees. But, Obama sure is making the soldiers jobs harder than it has to be. Under Bush, at least he stood by the soldiers. Bush gave them the neccessary means to gain intelligence.

Anonymous said...


If you're gonna show up at my site and start throwing logic around, you're gonna screw up all my best rants.

Good feedback. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Terri, I wasn't real impressed by Bush's treatment of soldiers, Marines OR Border Agents.

Anonymous said...

Nick, I propose that as long as we have a socialist in the WH that is trying to get us beat in Afghanistan that Pres. Bush gets a pass from whatever misdemeanors his admin. may have committed. Take a poll of Marines and Bush comes out pretty good. With Obama, we know he doesn't like us.

The larger question unaddressed here, though, is ... who would allow Navy doctors to perform a colonoscopy on them? That is torture.

Teresa said...

Please, cut Bush some slack. Ya know, he had to put up with the Democrats, and they put up road blocks left and right. They sabotaged him.

Opus #6 said...

Bush understood patriotism and respect for the military.

Obama has no clue.

Stenio Guilherme Vernasque da Silva said...

good informations!
I'll share.

Anonymous said...

DC, Terri, and Opie... OK, OK. Maybe I'm still holding a grudge about Harriet Myers.

You're right. In comparison to President Hussein, Bush looks like George Washington.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Stenio. Let's remain friends even after Brazil becomes a nuclear power.

LL said...

Gitmo was a mess from the outset. There were two facilities there when it began. One was an Army program, run by a reservist major general and the other one (smaller) was a CIA facility. The concept was to leave these terrorists in limbo more or less forever and THAT was a huge error on the part of the Bush Administration. Some of us tried to get that message across but the response was, "just do it". Thanks Mr. Rumsfeldt.

Teresa said...

I wasn't a fan of Rumsfeld either. But, on the other hand unless the detainees were American born they shouldn't have the same rights as us- NO U.S. COURT TRIALS

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

There is much to disagree with in your comment section Mr. Goomba. Why Opus thinks President Bush had any true understanding of the military, other than of course no penalty for not showing up for duty if your father is a Congressman, makes no sense. The occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan were no closer to being successful when Bush as commander in chief ordered them as when he left office.

As for Gitmo. President Obama has Russia and China on our side regarding Iran's nuclear ambitions now. The world wants Gitmo closed. I say close it and make more friends. We can treat the real creeps like crap right here in one of the 50 states. I proudly volunteer my home state of Illinois. We have new prisons that were never opened. Bring em here.

Teresa said...

TRUTH 101,
Iraq is much better off now because of Bush fighting for the surge. Even Obama had to admit the surge was successful, even if it was begrudgingly. Democrats didn't want help Iraq be a success because than that would benefit Republicans. Now, Obama won't even listen to his commnander in Afghanistan, the one that he appointed. Bush listened to his generals, unlike Obama. Plus, A great idea for a place to hold detainees that was recently suggested was Alcartaz. I like that idea because they would be isolated and have no chance of recruiting more people into their terror network. But, Democrats don't like that idea. Democrats wouldn't know a good idea if it smaked them right in the face.

Anonymous said...

I like Alcatraz. That way, if jihadis escape they could vote in California ... or get elected to the State Assembly.

Candidly, I think leaving jihadis in limbo until the war is/was over is a great (and traditional) idea. We used to hold POWs until the war was over. This is a different kind of war, and the political heat on the Bush Admin from the left was relentless.

I recall that military tribunals were underway (amidst the screams of the left). People forget now that much of what the Bush Admin did was decried and fought tooth and nail ... by all the right people.

I see both the hard left and some on the right still won't let Bush go. All of those doing this are wasting their time.

By comparison, the Bush Admin was absolutely fantastic compared to this disaster-a-moment debacle we have going now.

And wishing for a perfect replacement for the current admin will get us more of the same.

Anonymous said...

And Nick ... he changed his mind on Harriet, listening to the likes of people like me (back in the day).

Let's move on to fight the real opposition.

Anonymous said...

Well said, my faithful old sherpa.

Velcro said...

So what, pray tell, is Dear Leader going to do with the next generation of people who are happy to slit your throat and set fire to your children?

Rhod said...

I wonder if T101 has a cord in his neck. Pull it and you get the recorded stuff that passes for thought in the mind of a lefty.

His 2nd paragraph, though, is fantastic even for him. This is the opposition, folks. It should be easy.