
September 29, 2009

Unmasking Obama

By Thomas Lifson at American Thinker

It is now abundantly clear that the image of Barack Obama sold to the American electorate was tightly edited, air-brushed, and exaggerated. He has worn a series of masks -- eloquent orator, brilliant scholar, centrist, and literary sensation. All of these masks are coming off as he copes with a job for which image will not suffice. For instance, hiding behind the eloquent orator mask is a guy who says "uhh" a lot when he is winging it, and who makes lots of factual and grammatical mistakes.

Now, thanks to Jack Cashill, the literary mask has been removed. Obama is a literary pretender. Case closed. The evidence is overwhelming that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote Dreams from my Father, the book which established Obama's pose as a brilliant writer (and therefore a fine mind, in the estimation of many). The stylistic resemblance between the Dreams and Ayers' work is stunning. Now we know, thanks to Chris Andersen's new book,that Obama hit a brick wall trying to fulfill his contract to produce a book, and shipped off his notes and tapes to Ayers. That is the classic description of a ghost writer's assignment. And it completely fits the theories Cashill had inferentially reasoned from the data of his literary studies.

The revelation that Chris Andersen had two separate sources means that this fact meets the journalistic standard of reliability, provided by a respected, established bestselling author. Obama's dismissal of Ayers as "just a guy in the neighborhood" has been shown to be an outright lie.

That will certainly be the verdict of history, regardless of whether or not the issue of Obama's ghost written book ever breaks through into the national discussion. My bet is that the media will not be able to suppress discussion. The image of Obama packing boxes full of tapes and notebooks and hauling them over to Ayers' house a couple of blocks away, is simple and compelling evidence of a ghost writer being put to work. Jack's literary detective work made the case, and Andersen's two neighborhood sources confirm it.

Anyone who refuses to deal with this issue is willfully avoiding topics that make Obama look bad. The facts are in the public domain.

The New York Times has just appointed a new editor to monitor online conservative websites and talk radio, to make sure the paper doesn't embarrass itself again, as it did on the Van Jones and ACORN stories. Unlike every other editor, the Times is keeping the name of this editor secret.



Mango's Madness said...

He is just an empty suit, with someone else pulling the strings! What a joke!!!


Anonymous said...

Mango, I just cringe at the idea of Hollywood pulling the strings.

Amusing Bunni said...

This is a great post, Nickie! I had read about this on drudge and somewhere, I think. I sure hope the media follows up on this. It's just another brick in the wall of deception. This jerk just gets more scummy every day. I have a feeling when he pulls off all his mask we'll see a fetid creature like the monster in "Alien" or something.

Kid said...

I'd say the commies are pulling the strings.

Anonymous said...

Bunni, Scummy is the perfect word. Actually, it's also the perfect word to describe Chicago politics.

Lucy Stern said...

When I was growing up, my mom used to say, "you know a man by who he hangs around with." You see who Obama hands around with... Just look at his Czars and his dictator buds.

Kid said...


1.) I'm really a liberal and

2.) I call that Bold Talk for a one eyed fat man !

Opus #6 said...

Lucy, your mother was wise.

My favorite part of the whole article was the part where the NY Slimes had to HIRE somebody to monitor our blog stories. HA ha ha! [waving hi] I guess it's a start. Kinda silly and strange to think of them going this far. Can it be that their irrelevance is suddenly starting to dawn on them?????

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You wouldn't see George W. Bush kissing the Saudi Prince! Oops. Well, um, Ronald Reagan wouldn't have dealth with these dictators like the Ayatolla he wouldn't sell arms to. Oops. Well, Nixon wouldn't go around visiting and shaking hands with commies like Mao. Oops.

Dang. I was trying to help validate your premise in a show of bipartisanship Mr. Goomba. I'll try again when I can think of something as valid and thought provoking as "President Obama carried some boxes so he must have been up to something."

Anonymous said...

Lucy, when I was a kid, my Mom used to say "When you buy a car, don't buy the air conditioning. You'll never need it."

Anonymous said...

Kid, I can imagine you being a hundred different things, but a Lib ain't one of them.

Anonymous said...

Opie, don't you love it that the name has to be kept secret, as if some racist Conservative mob will begin stalking him/her/it.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy Truth101's posts when I read them while imagining Barney Frank reciting them. Try it.

Fuzzy Slippers said...

Stunning. And not in the least so.

Great post!

Rhod said...

Whenever I think Truth101 has gotten to the bottom of his toybox of fallacies, he comes up with another sticky one to lick.

Why are leftards incapable of embarrassment?

Rhod said...

PS to Trooth:

I know this point will cause severe pressure in your dense prog cranium, but...

In order for your equivalence to work, the position you're defending is just as bad as the position you're criticising.

Now go out and play.

I love being Right said...

Imagining him as Barney Frank is amusing. I can't believe he ever gets on TV, but it is always good for a laugh.

Obama's new school czar is just one more crazy radical to add to his resume. I thought the Clinton's were crooked, this guy has more than one closet! But I'm sure the libs have a really good explanation for this.......AGAIN. It's just the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy at work!