
October 3, 2009

Don't let down your defenses. The battle is approaching.


Opus #6 said...

Cute spoof on the celebrity ads.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Before this weekend is over every one that read this and saw that silly video will ask "What's government going to do about ..."

But the number one motivation of the right is selfishness. As long as Nickie and friends have health insurance, damn the millions that don't.

Rhod said...

You know, Trooth, you don't deserve the respect and tolerance you've been shown here. Your dimiwitted slanders and derivative insults are what passes for apothegms for liberals.

You and that nitwit Grayson from Orlando, and all the other prog cranks and screwballs who've defiled and corrupted old liberalism are all the same. No defeat for you is undeserved or will be grand or humiliating enough to suit me.

Small of mind and heart, with a constipated morality and a horror of opposition, you have to scorn and belittle to stimulate yourself beyond your already exhausted rage and hatreds.

You came here with the usual frauds and idiot fiction that you were a worthy spokesman for liberalism; that you had some truth or validity to counter the materials you found here.

You're not up to it. You're a moral dwarf and a rote thinker with the grandiose pretension that you could compose ANY argument that would lend weight to any discussion on any subject.

Beat it, you idiot. The company here is too good for you, and the arguments too complex for the simple-minded.

LL said...

The liberals need to manufacture stats to support the cause of forced socialism.

The access of the poor to healthcare in America is at an all time high. The taxpayers underwrite their every need in ER rooms up to major medical procedures.

There is nothing noble about a Robin Hood mentality. A country that takes all from the workers and gives it to the slackers will not endure long on the roll of nations unless (like the Scandia Socialists who are protected by other nations) protected and subsidized by their betters.

Opus #6 said...

Lies 101:

The number one motivation on the right is SELFLESSNESS.

Exactly, could not have said it better myself.

Patriots are willing to spill their own blood for their countrymen. You cannot get more selfless than THAT.

But you and your lilly livered cowering cronies can't understand our brand of patriotism, so you had best move on, as Rhod suggests.

Isn't that what you people do best? Move On?

Rhod said...

Opie, if you've made the grim trip over to T's lair, you'd find the usual lefty paranoia and stereotypes made worse by a child's mind and scatology.

This is what we're fighting, and sadly you have to educate these yokels before you can argue a point with them. The don't dispute, they just have spells and incantations.

He can't seem to help it.

Opus #6 said...

No trips to T's lair for me. I don't want to contribute to his hit stats. He's not worth it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I didn't come here looking for your respect Rod. That would be no more useful than bragging about how bad a fart smelled.

I came here for some entertainment and to expose backward thinking, fake patriots lie you and Opus for the deluded right wing fools you are. Your anger at the ease of which I deconstruct your beliefs is like music to my ears. But as you wish boys. If you and Opus can't handle the Truth101, it's no big deal whether I visit or not.

Rhod said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rhod said...

You're no challenge, Joey.

Opus #6 said...

Alright, who forgot to close the screen door.

Rhod said...

Opie, we're getting a chuckle out of it here, too.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Sign me up! And who's this 101 F. The thief calls us selfish ?

Rhod said...

Odie, he's "deconstructing" our beliefs don't ya know!

LL said...

Who left the door open - the dog got in.

Take him out. He wants to bark at the moon.

Kid said...

Good one.

Odie- Liberals don't know where money comes from.

Maria said...

My grandmother's generation didn't need Big Government health care ...
When the doctor made a HOUSE CALL ... she paid him with a his request. seriously

His wife's cooking couldn't hold a candle to my grandmother's.
Her lasagna was priceless...

She lived to be 81 ~

Kelly L said...

Great video - I agree health care is available to all - now.. I know because I see it everyday....

Heather Chandler said...

Wow, those liberals REALLY need a dictionary, don't they?

What's selfish - going out, getting a job, supporting yourself and buying the things you need to support your family before you purchase extras, like cable, cell phones, video games and others?

Or the person that sits on their butt, filling their face with cheetos while watching Oprah, thinking she's their best friend, saying I'm mean because I don't like the government helping itself to my check at the point of a gun to give it to people who refuse to help themselves?

No one ever said that people who are against universal health care are against people having health care. I'm against people thinking that I need to afford THEIR health care. And where does it end - do I need to pay for their house, car and vacations too?

There are plenty of ways to get it if you cannot truly afford it. You just have to look for them, they aren't going to come to you. And the people who can afford it, but choose other "extras" over it, need to make it a higher priority in their lives. If it's important to you, you WILL find a way to get it.

Rhod said...

Selfishness to a bonehead, infantile liberal is to want something other than what they want.

Blue Eyes, you're using logic and the morality of self-improvement - which is the way mankind has progressed - to explain something to a child like T101. He hasn't the intelligence to understand it.

Opus #6 said...

Hazaa, excellent comment. But probably lost on our lib. Rugged individualism is not a virtue to them. Good is bad. All capitalist taxpayers must be squashed. Only that will satisfy their class hatred.

Kid said...

Hazaa. Don't worry. This is a self-maintaining system.

When a sufficient number of lazy worthless people are drawing from the productive contributors of society, these folks will simply decide not to provide anymore.
Certainly enough of them to cause socialism to break quickly.

As for myself, I'm looking for a country that has lived the hell of socialism and is working it's way out. Cycles, Everything is

Oddly, the one thing that liberals cannot understand is this is how socialism breaks down. When you take all the rewards from the folks who are firing the engine of growth, productivity, product and service innovation, the engine of growth slows to a crawl and innovation disappears.

Their lust for 'something without effort' is what blinds them to the obvious conclusions. Let alone, you can look at any socialist society and see what it breeds.