
November 17, 2009

It's decision time


Timeshare Jake said...

all he needs is a good excuse to go along with the exit

RightKlik said...

Obama is just waiting to pass his health care takeover agenda.

Writer X said...
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Writer X said...

Is Biden doing a crossword puzzle?

Anonymous said...

You know, I hate to be serious when you are trying to be brilliantly funny (and are succeeding, BTW, Nick), but ...

To Obama, all of this is like a law school exam (of which I am familiar). To get a good score, you spot as many issues as you can and argue all sides. There is no "correct" answer. Of course, it's the post-modern waltz. 1-2-3, we're dead.

Anonymous said...

Bill, you can bet that the excuse will be accompanied by an apology to Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Klik, I think you're right. But after his ObamaCare is passed, I have no idea which direction he'll waffle in.

Anonymous said...

X... He's doodling a duck (if you'll excuse the expression).

Anonymous said...

That's it, DC. At some point, before his shameful retreat, he will have argued every possible side of the argument. Thus leaving him (and the media) all the deniability he'll need.

Rhod said...

Have you noticed that inaction by this nitwit is called "getting it right"?

Woodsterman (Odie) said...


Opus #6 said...

Me no likey this man.

Rhod said...

Opie, the Japanese Emperor is using your blog name!!!

Anonymous said...

Nick, take a deep bow ... wait ...

CI-Roller Dude said...

When you don't understand a topic---like war, then you should find some real experts. Ask the experts what to do, then follow that suggestion.
In this case, the experts have been in the military or have retired and been to a few fights, attended some kind of "war" college and know how to wage a war.

Don't ask pukes who've never done it, or you're doomed to failure. Just ask LBJ, he was the ultimate retard at fighting war.

Greta said...

If Obama wants options that a half african american can understand, he might want to fill the room with others like him. This room is filled with all white guys except for Hillary and she is not exactly a sister. It is amazing to me that he is not catching hell on this fact from his left wing base.

Snarky Basterd said...

Does anyone know if he asked for a personal stash of poppy flowers before he makes a decision?

Unknown said...

I think he should go to Afghanistan and trick the people into believing all kinds of nonsense. He should Give a few speeches, and create a local army of mindless drones, just like he did last year.

T. F. Stern said...

I know, we can use all those empty FEMA trailers to house the taliban so they won't have to hide in caves. Then once they take the bait FEMA will tell them, after a few years go by, that the trailers were only temporary. The taliban will have to vacate back to the caves; except they will have forgotten how to rough it and will now be permanent wards of the state. They will have lost the raw edge needed to fight.

PS: the word verification for this comment was "awlin: as in New Awlins, slang built in. Now we can go get some of those FEMA trailers back.