
July 25, 2010

Please Tell me that you’re Kidding

¡No Pasarán! explains what really happened at that tragic German Love Parade....

Assimilation, Euro-Style, at an event meant to celebrate social diversity and togetherness:

"The Germans say: Foreigners out!" the girl replied. "Why can't we say: Jews out?" Then she ran away.
Of course officials are “concerned”. They're always "concerned". Maybe even concerned enough to actually do something about this neo-Kristallnacht consensus that been ubiquitous for a decade.
Following an anti-Semitic attack in Hanover, German authorities have identified a new source of anti-Semitic hatred in Germany: young migrants from Muslim families. The ideological alliance has officials concerned.
The author goes on to parrot the tripe about the neo-fascists, who invariably gravitate toward the idea of a muscular, all powerful state, as being “right wing”.
It was supposed to be a carefree festival in Sahlkamp on the outskirts of the northern German city of Hanover. Billed as an "International Day" to celebrate social diversity and togetherness, the June celebration included performances by a multicultural children's choir called "Happy Rainbow" and the German-Turkish rap duo 3-K. Music from Afghanistan was also on the program.

But then the mood suddenly shifted.

When Hajo Arnds, the organizer of the neighborhood festival, stepped onto the stage at about 6:45 p.m. to announce the next performance, by the Jewish dance group Chaverim, he was greeted with catcalls. "Jews out!" some of the roughly 30 young people standing in front of the stage began shouting. "Gone with the Jews!"
The striking stupidity of this kind of story, as frequent as they are, is that the people righting them up always seem to be pretending to ‘just realize’ the state of affairs, and exhibit a kind of puzzlement at connecting the dots.


Kid said...

This will go on forever.

Opus #6 said...

So it was a Hate Parade...

Anonymous said...

Kid, it makes you wanna be like Europe, huh?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Ope... in the same way the gay pride parade makes you proud.

Anonymous said...

Religion of Peace.I think not.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

The Libs want to parrot the European culture in this country ... All of it?

DUTA said...

Jews shouldn"t have gone to this kind of parade ; big mistake. They always make big mistakes, like voting for Obama.

)O( said...

comrade obama is a black racist without question. He uses diversity and fairness programs and government agencies to promote black racism. He is the most divisive leader in our country's history.

LL said...

Every Muslim parade is a hate parade. If they're not hanging somebody in effigy or burning something, they're shooting in the air.

I find this sort of thing completely expected.

"Diversity" usually means intolerant behavior to spite what organizers claim.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

And so then WHY is the Obama Administration DETERMINED to follow in the steps of Europe when the EU realizes, just a bit now, their mistakes?


Anonymous said...

Bunni... To them, it's like bringing potato salad to a picnic.

Anonymous said...

Please, Dad... Just drink the Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Oui-oui, Odie. We will all soon be better people.

Anonymous said...

DUTA... Love Parade sounds like just the event Big Brother would sponsor.

Anonymous said...

)O(... I agree with your comment. I hope this realization reaches voters soon.

Anonymous said...

LL... I must insist that you bow to the god of diversity.


Anonymous said...

Zepp... We'll know Europe has realized their mistake when they actually do something about it.

Don't expect anything decisive from the asshats at the EU.

Wetzy said...

Who ever would have thought we'd see hate for Jews in Germany, of all places?

Anonymous said...

Wetz... Next thing you know they'll be finding communists in Russia.

Anonymous said...

I expect many deaths at this year's Rose Parade.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard something, Zio? E-coli in the Bloody Marys?

Kid said...

Like Europe? Yes, Nickie, but only the part that thanks the government profusely for severely reduced and rationed health care.

Anonymous said...

Don't make us come over there and kick the crap out you again! This time we may not save the nukes for the non-Europeans.