
July 28, 2010

ObamaCare, Page 24,306, Sec 93, Para 28, But Too Late for Little Dave

Little Dave

GNN - We're sad to report that we found Little Dave near his bed in DC's office this morning. For about a year, Little Dave was in extremis, and needed medical care which is effective and widely available, but not covered by ObamaCare until 2014.

Friends of GNN will remember that Little Dave was DC's constant companion here, making a good life for himself on DC's leavings and discards. None of us was qualified to administer WHISKER STIMULATION, but we struggled mightily to fortify Dave's spirits during his long illness. We'll miss his big smile.


SPN Headlines said...

Sick people are going to feel a whole lot sicker when they find out that ObamaCare requires physicians to "Tweet" their patients - no more office visits or hospitals. SHOCKING story at:

Peace! :-)

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Poor wittdo Dwave ... He was Obamatized.

Wetzy said...

Just one question. Was Dave a Democrat?

Rhod said...

Wetzy, Dave was a Democrat. We provided everything for him.

Odie, we're inconsolable here.

Anonymous said...

This is way too convenient. What did Dave know about Eric Holder and when did he know it? I smell a rat.

Amusing Bunni said...

We're all going to wind up like dave because of this crap. And of course he was a democRAT.

Rhod said...

Anon, come to think about it, Dave had company last week, a couple of rats in blue leisure suits.

Bunni, numerology is our thing.

Anonymous said...

Rhod, there I go again ... bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Oh, well. Hard to believe you outted me with Dave.

However, let's just move along (nothing to see here, folks) as to how you pulled up that "whisker stimulation" story at warp speed.

I thought you were making it up (like a lot of them big ol' words you use), until I saw it was a link.

Now, though, it all makes perfect sense how you would take the right whiskers of Dave, and Nick (the resident softie/liberal) would take the left. Only now do I understand your compassionate outreach.

On behalf of Dave and his relatives in Congress, we thank you.

Rhod said...

DC, we'll see Little Dave again in the sweet-by-and-by.

Anonymous said...

I know, Rhod. Thanks for the comfort. But to just see him just laying there like that, it's hard.

All I am hanging onto now is memories of you and Nick massaging his whiskers.

Teresa said...

Poor little creature... Obama's wretched Obamacare even kills rats. This is just the beginning of Obama deathcare. This is really scary. This is going to be extremely painful. Maybe we should make Obama and his merry thugs experience Obamacare? I hope Obamacare comes back and bites all the Dems in their arses, and big time. These DemocRATS really piss me off!

Anonymous said...

Aye, wee mousie. We hardly knew yee.

Rhod said...
