Something happened to Blogger during the past two days and this site got a little messed up. I couldn't get into any of the blog elements - nothing but a big, 'ol Blogger error message. Comments were lost, active posts were somehow rescheduled, the cat got into the dog food and DC almost ran out of ammunition.
Hopefully we're back on track now.
Hopefully we're back on track now.
Yeah I lost almost all my comments from my lastest post. Wonder what accually happened though.
Lone - Ya got me. Blogger may have blown a html gasket seal or a server rod.
I hate that when that happens. You do know it was the White House testing their "button" don't you.
Odie - no, but now ya got me thinking.
Well, at least captain Zero has found something other than the nuke the world button to occupy his time. Hmm, lots of colleges are done too. Way too much time in the hands of people with technical but no ethical education?
Or Google just hired a bunch of those graduates. Ha. No amount of money can buy competence in a world where feelings trump fact.
I don;t use blogger comments anymore, but couldn't comment for the last two days?
Wonder if it was scheduled.
It was probably John McCain removing all mean-spirited and inappropriate comments.
Doom - if I had the angry Wookie waiting for me at home, I'd be busy elsewhere too.
Greg - Blogger announces scheduled outages in advance. This was something that went a cropper and took Blogger a while to sort out --- I think.
Nickie - unfortunately he was using his tumor/wart remover.
And I thought it was just me.
That bites! I had the same issue. A dang blogger conspiracy?
My expose on obama And all of the linked websites are Gone. Disappeared. Kaput. Verklempted. Folded, spindled and mutilated. Re-engineered. Reverse Engineered. Drained. Stomped. Bashed. and the Media favorites - Rocked and Slammed.
Schedule maintenance, then comments crash, service drop out, no access to nothing, then roll back of the past 24 hours, comment window restored but not comments... "It Don't Make Sense"... :)
WoFat - in some instances it is, especially your dancing. :)
Terese - I am wondering if they were hacked.
Kid - you're probably lucky to be alive and not verklemputted.
Mark - Ahhh, but it does if they're out to get you!
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