
September 18, 2013

I Pray It's A Growing Trend

Another Murder Factory Bites The Dust

Abortion mills are closing at an unprecedented rate in America.
WASHINGTON (BP) -- For Abby Johnson, the closing of a single Planned Parenthood center demonstrated her dramatic reversal from abortion clinic director to leading pro-life advocate.

But for pro-lifers throughout the United States, it marked another exhibit in a hopeful trend -- abortion centers are shutting down at an unprecedented rate. The total so far this year is 44, according to a pro-life organization that tracks clinic operations.

[...]This year, 42 clinics that provided surgical abortions have shut their doors, and two that offered chemical abortions by drugs also have closed, according to Operation Rescue, which monitors closings and health and safety violations by clinics nationwide. That number far surpasses the 25 surgical clinics shutdown last year and the 30 in 2011, by Operation Rescue's count. While others estimate a smaller number of closings, the pattern is clear.

Some of the shutdowns have been of major clinics. For instance, Virginia's No. 1 abortion provider closed, The Washington Post reported in July. NOVA Women's Healthcare in Fairfax, Va., shut down after state and local governments enacted regulations the abortion provider appeared unable to meet. The northern Virginia clinic performed 3,066 abortions in 2012 and 3,567 in 2011.

The reasons given for the upswing in closings are varied even among pro-lifers. They include:

-- the increasing state regulation and oversight of clinics;

-- a growth in pro-life opinion and activity, and

-- a decline in the abortion rate.

In some cases, clinics have shut down when abortion doctors retired or were no longer licensed.

More here


Gorges Smythe said...

Good deal!

Doom said...

It's a start, a good one, but just a start. My guess is that those who supported abortion, among the elites, didn't do it so as to "give women a choice", or any of the other fake "reasons". That was mere mocking advertisement, ever. Though it did pull a lot of tools in to support it.

They did it to keep the 'vermin' population numbers down, a la Margaret Sanger. What was she? A... compassionate liberal? *dark grins* That, and to keep women in the workforce which cheapens the cost of labor, crushing the family, calling for more immigrants, a cycle they could only gain from. Ignore what they say, most served were poor and minority, and young working class among the white population.

I suppose now that we have an admin that is bringing in 'vermin', or allowing them in and to stay, by the truck loads, permanently cheapening the labor market, and whites are just about a minority themselves, their gambit is no longer needed? There is no morality in the decision making, unless it has crept in somehow, and as an aside. It's business, lad, nothing personal, mostly.

Yeah, I take a cynical view of what is really going on. But then why shouldn't I?

Kid said...

Yes, good stuff. Maybe young females will be more responsible when they know they can't just pop in for an abortion like getting their teeth cleaned?

Funny how that shit works.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...


sig94 said...

Gorges - indeed! Whatever the reason...

sig94 said...

Doom - you ... a ... a ... a cynic?

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.

sig94 said...

Kid - funny, and absent for far too long has been the notion of personal accountability.

If you don't want a child there are plenty of cheap alternatives which do not involve murder.

sig94 said...

Odie - another one bites the dust. Hopefully more, a lot more, will follow.