
October 28, 2016

New Arrival

This is my newest grandson, Wayne, only 3 days old. 
He was born last Wednesday. Look at this kid.
Except for the typical birth canal zucchini head, he was born perfect.
Thank the Lord - Mom and baby are doing fine, they should be coming home today.
The cats are gonna freak.


Undergroundpewster said...


LL said...

A bundle of joy!

Doom said...

Congratulations! Now, I'm not... I don't think babies... Look, I've got a soft spot for them, as long as someone else is doing the work, but I don't think they are cute. That said, your g.s. looks... remarkably aware. THAT I do appreciate. Good luck, you may well need it. So it goes with the good ones.

sig94 said...

I tell ya Doom, I held him when he was only an hour old and it looked like he was staring at me. You should see hm when he was with his father. I never saw a new born as attentive as him.

Kid said...

He's good lookin.