
November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving

It started because some Christians wanted to worship God as their conscience and scripture dictated. We now think of food and family as the focus; sure, it's important but only in the context that God has blessed us with abundant food and loved ones. 

I am thankful that perhaps Our Republic may have a few years left in it under proper stewardship and that my children and grandchildren may still enjoy liberty. I am also thankful for you, my friends and readers.  

I am also thankful for pie. I really like pie. We're going to have a house full of relatives tomorrow and at least a half dozen pies. I fear that I will hurt myself.

May God bless all of you this season.


LL said...

I only like two kinds of pie - hot and cold. I think that both will be available today at our house (as well).

Happy Thanksgiving.

Diogenes Sarcastica™ said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sig!

Euripides said...

A blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours. The pie's the limit today!

Kid said...

Good Times Sig.

Hope you are all having a wonderful time.

Doom said...

Too much pie IS indeed included in the "do not go gently" category. Bon appetit!

Happy Thanksgiving, very much so with a potential breath of free air while at it. Amen.