
November 26, 2016

Castro Is Finally Dead

Fidel Castro is dead at 90.
Piss on him.
Drudge linked to a NY Times article that treats this murderous tyrant better than Trump.
I'll not do the same.


LL said...

Good riddance.

Nate said...

By Monday he'll be registered as a Democrat in Florida.

Doom said...

Now, to keep this asshole pope from performing his service. Grrwwwwhhhhhaaa! Not like he is all that different from the Kennedys... if... that was a huge problem too.

I used to grind my teeth, terribly, to the point of having other problems. God graced me to 'fix' that with just prayer. Some things tempt me back to it.

sig94 said...

LL - and now his problems are really just starting.

sig94 said...

Fowler - as they all should be.

sig94 said...

Nate - and North Caroline, and Illinois and Ohio and New York and ...

sig94 said...

Doom - Popes just ain't what they used to be. Unless you're talking about the Borgias.