
November 3, 2016

The Wiener Laptop: It's Worse Than We Thought

When the NYPD Special Victims Unit seized Anthony Weiner's laptop computer, they had no idea what they would eventually stumble across. They didn't just find Wiener's sexts to young girls, which was why the laptop was seized, they opened up a can of worms that could bring down the government.
However, NYPD SVU sources told SuperStation95 that what they found is far worse than foreign cash or classified emails; they "came upon evidence of an international child smuggling and child sex ring" involving "very high profile people, candidates for high elected office, and current holders of high elected office at the federal and state levels, as well as other persons." These officials allegedly did their child sex through a guy named Epstein who allegedly ran a "Lolita Express" plane service to take these high-elected officials to and from foreign countries to have sex with underage children!

The SVU source also claims there is photographic and video evidence on Weiners laptop, showing these high elected officials, and certain people who are seeking election, engaged in sex acts with young children!

[...]Another source familiar with the situation in the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, told SuperStation95 on condition of strict confidentiality: "It's all true. No one knows what to do because if the American people find out how sick and deviant these people are, and what they've been doing, the entire federal government will be brought down."

[...]And NOW you know why Huma Abedin kept a 10,000 email "dead-mans switch" folder named "Life Insurance" on her computer. Besides treason and other crimes, her computer has evidence of an international child smuggling and child sex pedophile ring involving "dozens of members of Congress, the US Justice Department, Federal Judges, High-ranking military officers and many others in Government; as well as very well known figures in the main stream media." Threaten all that, and with her immunity deal revoked, you might be "suicided" rather quickly...
Story here.

More at Donald Trump News:
NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.
Now, is this true? Did the NYPD really crack open this foul mess? We'll see because after all, it's on the internet.

I'm thinking, wait until Friday, tomorrow, for this to hit the media. If this is a legitimate story, Trump's people will push it on Friday, the same day that the Democrats pushed the Casper Weinberger indictment story that may have cost Bush 41 the election in 1992. Of course the story was bogus, Weinberger was not indicted.

H/T Irish


LL said...

If true - and if it's not just Internet "click bait", it needs to be made public immediately.

Doom said...

Yeah, that's... what I had heard. Thing is, I really believe, even if it is true? Even Trump would eventually help bury it. Why? Chaos.